Head of the Mechanical Engineering Department
- CV of Dr. Nabil KHAROUA
- Courses taught: Cryogenics and Cold Production, Propulsion Mechanics, Operational Research, numerical simulation labs
- Research areas: CFD, turbulent and multiphase flows, impact jets, heat transfer improvement, phase separation, oil industry

Dr. Yassine KABAR
Deputy Director in charge of Teaching, Diplomas and Continuing Education
- CV of Dr. Yassine KABAR
- Research areas : Heat transfer, Renewable energies, Thermal installations, Thermodynamics, Refrigeration and air conditioning.
Dr. Mohamed AFRID
Research faculty
- Département: Génie Mécanique
- Diplomas:
Ph.D in Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering. May 1990. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, U.S.A.
M.S in Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering. May 1987. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, U.S.A.
State Engineer in Gas Transportation and Distribution. June 1984. Algerian Petroleum Institute, Boumerdes, Algeria.
- Modules taught Numerical calculation.compressible flow 1.compressible flow 2.
Finite elements and finite volumes.
- Research areas Fluid mechanics.heat transfer.numerical simulation.
- Projets de Recherche En cours (Titre et sponsor):PRFU : Systèmes énergétiques amélioré.Code : A11N01ES250120220001
- CV of Dr. Mohamed AFRID
Research faculty
- CV of Dr. Salah KHALFALLAH
- Courses taught : Mechanics of continuous media, Resistance of materials.
- Research areas : Nonlinear behavior of reinforced concrete structures. Dynamics of structures Dynamics of soil-structure interaction.
- Site web :http://www.freewebs.com/khalfallah/

Dr. Youcef MOUADJI
Research faculty
- CV of Dr. Youcef MOUADJI
- Courses taught : Analytical Mechanics, Metrology.
- Research areas : Tribology.

Research faculty
- CV of Dr. Hamza SEMMARI
- Courses taught : Thermodynamics.
- Research areas : Energetic.

Research faculty
- CV of Mr Nabil OUAZAA
- Courses taught :Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, Numerical Methods, Technical Drawing.
- Research areas : Study of thermosolutal convection in porous media and confined fluids.