01 General statistics :
Number of members | 460 Members |
Number of borrowers | 196 All categories combined |
Duration of the circulation of the works | 103 Jours |
Number of books borrowed | 686 Items |
Average loan per day | 06 Items per day |
Average daily occurrence of loan transactions | 16 Per day |
Number of loan operations performed | 1648 Operations |
Number of outgoing operations | 1028 Operations |
Number of return operations | 620 Operations |
Operations performed
Loan chart by department
02 Lending statistics by department :
User categories | Works | percentage |
Faculty and researchers | 16 | 2.33 % |
Preparatory class1 | 510 | 74.34 % |
Preparatory class2 | 15 | 2.18 % |
Electrical, electronic and automatic engineering | 32 | 4.66 % |
Mechanical engineering | 59 | 8.60 % |
Materials engineering | 13 | 1.89 % |
Process Engineering | 41 | 5.97 % |
Total | 686 | 100 % |
03 Lending statistics by user :
User categories | Users | Percentage |
Faculty and researchers (PhD students) | 6 | 3.06 % |
Students in preparatory classes1 | 134 | 68.36 % |
Students in preparatory classes2 | 10 | 5.10 % |
Students in the department: Electrical, Electronic and automation Engineering | 10 | 5.10 % |
Students in the department: Mechanical Engineering | 12 | 6.12 % |
Students in the department: Materials Engineering | 8 | 4.08 % |
Students in the department: Process Engineering | 17 | 8.67 % |
Total users | 196 | 100 % |
Lending chart by users
04 Loan Statistics by Classification: (06/01/2020)
Classification | Themes | Borrowed items |
515 | Mathematical analysis | 124 |
540 | Chemistry and related sciences | 109 |
530 | Physics | 59 |
511 | General principles of mathematics | 52 |
512 | Algebra | 44 |
621 | Electrical engineering | 44 |
531 | Mechanics | 34 |
519 | Applied mathematics, probability | 29 |
541 | Physical chemistry | 29 |
532 | Fluid Mechanics | 19 |
570 | General biology | 19 |
620 | Engineering and related activities | 19 |
510 | Mathematics | 16 |
660 | Chemical engineering and related techniques | 15 |
537 | Electricity, electronics | 14 |
536 | Physics of heat | 11 |
628 | Environmental protection technology | 9 |
629 | Technology and Engineering | 7 |
534 | Physics of sound and related vibrations | 4 |
548 | Crystallography | 3 |
572 | Biochemistry | 3 |
579 | Biology of algae, microorganisms | 3 |
004 | Computer Science | 2 |
005 | Data organization, programming | 2 |
363 | Environment | 2 |
518 | Numerical analysis | 2 |
604 | Analysis and history of technology | 2 |
333 | Energy saving | 1 |
507 | Teaching | 1 |
539 | Modern physics | 1 |
543 | Analytical chemistry | 1 |
547 | Organic chemistry | 1 |
624 | Civil engineering | 1 |
625 | Railway and road technology | 1 |
665 | Wax, gas, grease and oil technology | 1 |
668 | Technology of other organic products | 1 |
05 Loan Statistics by Time Period (Monthly Rating) :
Loan | September | October | November | December |
Output operations | 37 | 322 | 224 | 100 |
Return operations | 48 | 229 | 221 | 131 |
Diagram of the loan by time period
Some figures to illustrate the frequentation and the offer of documentation at the library:
- 3726 Books purchased in the last four (04) years.
- 203 end-of-study projects (PFE)
- 199 Master’s theses.
- 79 Scientific journals
- Number of entries: October 2018 to February 2019

Number of documents loaned :

Monthly attendance in the group reading room:

Monthly attendance in the group reading room:

The number of users outside the individual reading room :