Materials Engineering Department

L. Chetibi, D. Hamana, M. M. Silvan, S. Achour “Electrochemical synthesis of graphite nanorings under UV irradiation”, Materials Letters V. 372, 1, (2024).
Liste des articles publiés dans des journaux scientifiques materiaux
S.A. Gernov, A.F. Sirenko , D. Hamana, "Influence ofDeformation on the precipitation Kinetics of Supersaturated Solid Al+8% Mg Solution", Ukrainian Physical Journal, T29, N°3, p. 436-439, 1984.
S.A. Gernov, A.F. Sirenko, D. Hamana, "Précipitation of Supersaturated Solid Cu+10% In Solution in Ultrasonic field", Physique du Corps Solide, N° 14, p. 36-40, 1984.
S.A. Gernov, A.F. Sirenko, D. Hamana, "Influence ofUltrasonic Vibrations on the Kinetic ofPrecipitation in Supersaturated Solid Al-8% Mg Solution", Physique du Corps Solide, N°14, p. 40-43, 1984.
D. Hamana, N. Thabet, A.F. Sirenko, "Condition d'Apparition de la Précipitation Continue dans l'Alliage de Cuivre à 15 % en Poids d'Indium", Mémoires scientifiques de la Revue de Métallurgie, Février 1985, p. 97-103.
A.F. Sirenko, D. Hamana, "Influence ofCreep Deformation on the Kinetic of Precipitation of Supersaturated Solid Ag + 12 at % Cu Solution" Métallofizika, T 7, N°2, p. 94-98, 1985.
A.F. Sirenko, D. Hamana, "Influence ofDeformation and Ultrasonic Vibrations on the Kinetic ofPrecipitation in Cu + 10 In Alloy", Physique du Corps Solide, N°15, p. 52-56, 1985.
D. Hamana, M. Benabdoun, "Interaction Joint de Grain-Précipité au Cours du Fluage d'une Solution Solide Sursaturée d'Aluminium à 8% en Poids de Magnésium", Philosophical Magazine, V52, N°2, p. 25-28, 1985.
D. Hamana, R. Halimi, "Sphéroidisation des Lamelles à la Fin de la Précipitation Discontinue de L'alliage de Cuivre à 15% en Poids d'Indium", Scripta Métallurgica, N° 19, p. 941-942, 1985.
A.F. Sirenko, D. Hamana, "Interaction Between Grain Boundaries and Precipitates During Cellular Precipitation of Solid Solution" Physique du Corps Solide, N° 16, p. 43-47, 1986.
R. Halimi, D. Hamana, E.M. Chpilevski, "Réaction à l'Etat Solide dans les Couches Minces du Système Binaire Cu/Sb", Thin Solide Films, 139, p. 147-155, 1986.
D. Hamana, S.A. Gernov, A.F. Sirenko, "Recuit d'Homogénéisation de l'alliage d'Aluminium à 8% en poids de Magnésium sous l'Action des Vibrations Ultrasonores" Mémoires scientifiques de la revue de Métallurgie, Juillet-Août 1987, p. 3 97-400.
D. Hamana, H. Choutri, "Analysis of Interface Reaction Between Cell and Grain Boundary During Cellular Precipitation", Journal de Physique Supplément au N°1, T. 51, p. C1-827-C1-830, (1990).
D. Hamana, V.L. Avanessov, A.F. Sirenko, "Frottement interieur des alliages Al-Mg Vieillis", Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia, V. 24, N°1O, p. 2O13-2018. (199O).
D. Hamana, S. Nebti, S. Hamamda, "Effect of the Zirconium Addition on the Microstructure of Al + 8 wt % Mg Alloy", Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia, V. 24, N°11, p. 2059-2064. (1990).
D. Hamana, H. Choutri, "Effect of Plastic Deformation on the Kinetics and Mechanism of Cellular Precipitation", Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia, V 25, N°4, p. 859-864 (1991).
D. Hamana, A. Boutefnouchet, Z. Boumerzoug, "Interaction of Grain Boundary With Precipitate Particles During Aging" Materials Science Forum Vols 94-96, p. 627-634 (1992).
D. Hamana, S. Nebti, A. Boutefnouchet, S. Chekroud, "Precipitation and Recrystallization in Aluminium Alloys", Ins. Phys. Conf. Ser. N°130, p. 287-290 (1992).
D. Hamana, S. Nebti, A. Boutefnouchet, S. Chekroud, "Autocatalytic Continuous Precipitation in an Al-8 wt % Mg Alloy", Z. Metallkunde, V 84, N° 1, p. 33 (1993).
D. Hamana, S. Nebti, Z. Boumerzoug, "The Similarity Between Continous and Discontinous Precipitation", Philosophical Magazine, A, V 67, N°5, p. 1143-1151(1993).
N.A. Dvorovienko, D. Hamana, S.A. Gernov, A.F. Sirenko, "Oscillation of Structure Characteristics in Polycrystalline Nickel During Plastic Deformation", Acta Metallurgica et Materialia, Vol. 41, N°7, p 2073-2076, 1993.
D. Hamana, Z. Boumerzoug, "Discontinous Precipitation, Coarsening and Dissolution of Phases in Cu-In and Cu-Sb Alloys", Z. Metallkunde, 85, 7, p. 479 (1994).
N. Saheb, Z. Boumerzoug, D. Hamana, T. Laoui, O. Van Der Biest, "Different Types of Discontinuous Precipitation in Cu-15 wt % In Alloy", Scripta Metal.. Mater.,V32, N°9, 1453 (1995).
S. Nebti, D. Hamana and G. Cizeron, " Calorimetric study ofpre-precipitation and precipitation in Al-Mg alloys", Acta Metall. Mater., V 43, N°9, 3583 (1995).
D. Hamana, Z. Boumerzoug and N. Saheb, "Cellular precipitation from phase boundaries in Cu-9 wt % Sb Alloy", Phil. Mag. Let. V 72 N° 6, 369 (1995).
D. Hamana, S. Nebti and M. Bouchear, " On the origin of the heterogeneous precipitation in Al-Mg alloys", Z. Metallkunde 87, 2 p. 135 (1995).
M. Bouchear, D. Hamana and T. Laoui, "GP zones precipitate morphology in aged Al-Mg alloys », Phil.Mag.A 73,6,p 1733 (1996).
D. Hamana, Z. Boumerzoug, M. Fatmi and S. Chekroud, «Discontinuous and continuous precipitation in Cu-13 wt Sn and Al-20 wt Ag», Mater. Chem. Phys. 53, p. 208 (1998).
A. Chala, L. Tidjani, D. Hamana et G. Cizeron, “Comportement de l’acier 53 Mn Si4 lors du revenu”Revue Sciences et Technologie de l’Université de Constantine n° 9, p. 15-18 (1998).
D. Hamana, M. Bouchear, A. Derafa, «Effect of plastic deformation on the transition phases formation and dissolution in Al-12 wt % Mg Alloy », Mater. Chem. Phys. V 57/2, p. 99-110 (1998).
S.A. Gernov, D. Hamana, N.A. Dvorovienko, V.I. Golaeyev, V.M. Tchmutov, «Development ofrotational plasticity during deformation ofFe-1,5 wt pct Si alloy », Phil. Mag. Let., V 78, N° 3, p. 185-191 (1998).
D. Hamana and Z. Boumerzoug, “Cellular Precipitation at Different Sites in Copper Based Alloys”, Materials Science Forum, , Trans. Tech. Publications, V 294-296, p. 593- 596 (1999).
A. Boutefnouchet, D. Hamana, G. Cizeron, “Evolution structurale en refroidissement continu de l’austénite d’un acier à haute résistance mécnaique 40 CDV 13”, Annales de Chimie, Sciences des Matériaux, 25, 653-662 (2000).
N. Ya Rokhmanov, D. Hamana, V.M. Andronov,«Nouvelle possibilité d’étude des propriétés des alliages métalliques par la méthode du frottement intérieur», Sciences et Technologie 13, 29-34 (2000).
Z. Boumerzoug, and D. Hamana, ,«Different sites ofdiscontinuous precipitation and mechanisms of dissolution in Cu-9 wt % Sb alloy», Mater. Chem. Phys., 69, 10-18 (2001).
D. Hamana, M. Bouchear, M. Betrouche, A. Derafa and N. Ya Rokhmanov ,«Comparative study of formation and transformation of transitions phases in Al-12Wt % Mg alloy », Jour. of Alloys and Compounds, 320, 93-102 (2001).
A. Boutefnouchet, D. Hamana, G. Cizeron, “Transformations isotherme d’un acier à haute résistance 40 CDV 13”, Sciences et Technologie, 15, 23-28 (2001).
N. Ya. Rokhmanov, D. Hamana, «Strutural aspect of Snoek relaxation in Fe-3 1,5 at. % Alalloy», University of Kharkov National University, N° 516, Serie Physics, V. 5 (2001).
D. Hamana, L. Baziz, M. Bouchear, «Mechanism and Kinetics ofJ3’ Phase Formation in Al-Mg alloys », Mater. Chem. And Physics, V 84, p. 112-119, 2004.
M. Boufenghour, D. Hamana, A. Hayoune, «Study ofthe ordered structures in Fe-Al alloys using dilatometric and calorimetric analysis», Journal of Materials Sciences, 39, 4, p. 1207-1212, (2004).
M. Boufenghour, D. Hamana, N. Ya. Rokhmanov, V. M. Andronov, «Mise en évidence par frottement intérieur et par diffraction des X d’une nouvelle phase tétragonale O dans l’alliage Fe-31,5 % at. Al », Revue de Métallurgie,-CIT, Sciences et Génie des Matériaux p. 663-669, Sept. 2004.
R. Koutchoukali, D. Hamana, M. Bouchear, «Evaluation clinique de la vitrocéramique du système IPS Empress 2 avec armature en disilicate de Lithium», Journal Algérien de Médecine, 1, XIII, p. 23 (2004).
M. Boufenghour, A. Hayoune, N. YA. Rokhmanov, M. Bouchear, D. Hamana «Dilato¬metric study ofthe ordered structures in Fe-Al alloys » Functional Materials, 11, 2, p. 397 (2004).
D. Hamana, A. Azizi, G. Tellouche, M. Bouchear, «G.P. Zones formation without quenched-in vacancies in Al-12 wt.%Mg alloy », Philosophical Magazine Letters, Volume 84, Number 11, November 2004, pp. 697-704 (8).
D. Hamana, A. Azizi, M. Bouchear, M. Boufenghour «Effet de la présence des phases sur les anomalies dilatométriques », Annales de Chimie, Sciences des Matériaux 31(5), p. 501, 2006.
L. Amiour, M. Bouchear, D. Hamana, «Order-disorder transformation in Au-Cu system», Algerian Journal ofAdvanced Materials, 3, pp. 4 17-420 (2006).
A. Azizi, M. Boufenghour, D. Hamana, « Study ofthe order-disorder transition in Fe-30 % at. Al alloys obtained by rapid solidification», Algerian Journal ofAdvanced Materials, 3, pp.193-196 (2006).
D. Hamana and A. Azizi, «Low temperature post-precipitation after precipitation of J3’ and J3 phases in Al-12 wt.% Mg alloy », Mater Sci; & Engng. A, V 476, N°1-2, pp. 357-365 (2008).
L. Hadjadj, R. Amira, D. Hamana and A. Mosbah, «Jour. Alloys and Compounds”,462(2008)279-283.
A. Hayoune and D. Hamana, "Structural evolution during non isothermal ageing ofAl-4.5 wt % Cu alloy by dilatometric analysis", Jour. Alloys and Compounds, 474 (2009) 118-123.
D. Hamana, L. Amiour and M. Bouchear, "Effect of chromium ternary addition on the ordering behaviour in Fe-28% Al alloy", Mater. Chem And Physics, 112 (2008)816-822.
D. Hamana and L. Boumaza, "Dilatometric and calorimetric study of discontinuous reaction in Ag- 8 wt Cu alloy, Jour. Alloy and Compounds, 477 (2009)217-223.
D. Hamana, L. Amiour, L. Chetibi , , “The apparition of a new reaction at lower temperature in equiatomic CuAu alloy”, Phase Transitions V 82, n°10 (2009) 755-766.
A. Hayoune and D. Hamana, , “The effect of heating rate on the precipitation sequence in Al-12 wt % Mg alloy”, Materials Science and Engineering A 527 (2010)7061-7264
D. Hamana, L. Amiour, L. Chetibi, F. Hanini., “The possibility ofNew Ordering Reaction in Cu-50 wt % Au alloy», Materials Transactions, Vol. 52, No. 6 pp. 1132 to 1137 (2011)
I. Golovin, Z. Belamri, D. Hamana., “Internal friction, dilatometric and calorimetric study of anelasticity in Fe–13 at.% Ga and Fe–8 at.% Al–3 at.% Ga alloys, Jour. ofAlloys and Compounds, 509, 8065 (2011)
D. Hamana, M. Hachouf; L. Boumaza, Z.E. Biskri, «Precipitation mechanism in Cu-7 wt. % Ag alloy, Materials Sciences and Applications, 2, 899 (2011).
I.S. Golovin, M.Y. Zadarojni, A.S. Bykov et D. Hamana, “Dépendance en température et mécanisme du frottement intérieur dans les alliages du système Al-Mg”, Déformation et Rupture des Matériaux, n° 6, 22 (2012) (en russe).
Zehira Belamri, Djamel Hamana, Igor S. Golovin, Study of order-disorder transitions in Fe-Ge alloys and related anelastic phenomena, Journal ofAlloys and Compounds 554 (2013) 348–356.
Z. Belamri, D. Hamana, I.S. Golovin, Study of ordering in Fe-25%Al-Cr alloys by dilatometry, heat flow and mechanical spectroscopy, Monthly International Research Journal, Metallofizika i Noveishie Tekhnologii, Kiev, Ukraine, 2013, T. 35, N°2, cc, 209-223.
L. Chetibi, A. Achour, J. Peszke, D. Hamana, S. Achour, «Hydroxyapatite growth on MWCNTs/TiO2/Ti”, J. Materials Science, 49, 621-632 (2014).
L. Chetibi, D. Hamana, S. Achour, “Growth and characterization of hydroxyapatite nanorice on TiO2 nanofibers”, J. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 144, 301-309 (2014).
L. Amiour, S. Mermoul, D. Hamana, “Study ofthe influence of silver Addition on the order-disorder Transformation in Cu-Au System”, Physics Procedia, V55, 30-34 (2014).dilatometry”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, V622, p.29-36 (2015).
M. Hachouf, D. Hamana, “Study of the non-isothermal microstructural evolution of deformed Cu-1 5wt % In and Cu-wt % Sb alloys by means of X-ray diffraction and
I. Golovin,V.V. Palacheva, L.Yu. Dubov, Yu.V. Funtikov, J. Cifre, D. Hamana, "Study of ordering and properties in Fe-Ga alloy with 18 and 21 at% Ga, Metallurgical andMaterials Transactions AV46A,p. 1131-1139 (2015).
D. Hamana, M. Hachouf, "Precipitation and dissolution–grains growth effects and kinetics during non-isothermal heating of deformed Cu–7 mass% Ag alloy", Jour. Therm Anal. Calorim. p. 1063- 1071 (2016).
A. Hayoune, S.G. Shabestari, D. Hamana,, "Study on the structural evolution during non isothermal aging of an Al-Cu-Mg-Si alloyby means of thermal, Trans. Indian Inst. Met (016), 69(8), 1529-
L. Chetibi, Tetiana Busko, N. P. Kulish, D. Hamana, S. Chaieb, S. Achour, Photoluminescence properties ofTiO2 nanofibers, J Nanopart Res, 19 p. 120-129 (2017).
C. Amrane, D. Hamana, I. S. Golovin, Internal friction sensitivity to precipitation in Al- 12 wt %. Mg alloy, Materials Characterization, 134, p. 49-54 (2017).
Imene Lamiri, Mohammed S M Abdelbaky, Djamel Hamana and Santiago García-Granda, Metastable phase in binary and ternary 12-carat gold alloys at low temperature, Materials Research Express, Volume 5, (2018).
Imene Lamiri, Mohammed S M Abdelbaky, Djamel Hamana and Santiago García-Granda, Metastable phase in binary and ternary 12-carat gold alloys at low temperature, Materials Research Express, Volume 5, (2018).
Imene Lamiri, Mohammed S M Abdelbaky, Djamel Hamana and Santiago García-Granda, Metastable phase in binary and ternary 12-carat gold alloys at low temperature, Materials Research Express, Volume 5, (2018).
Imene Lamiri, David Martínez-Blanco, Mohammed S.M.Abdelbaky, Daniele Mari, Djamel Hamana , Investigation of the order-disorder phase transition series in AuCu by in-situ temperature XRD and mechanical spectroscopy, Journal ofalloys and compounds, 770, 5 p. 748-754 (2019).
M. Hachouf 1, D. Hamana, "Effect of Bi addition on precipitation and dissolution in Cu-9at% In and Cu-5at% Sb alloys" (DOI: 10.1007/s10973-019-08421-3). 2019
Imene Lamiri , Mohammed S.M. Abdelbaky , David Martínez-Blanco , Daniele Mari , Djamel Hamana, Santiago García- Granda, In situ X-ray diffraction and the internal friction study of the binary yellow 18-carat gold alloy, Materials Science and Engineering, Pages 514-519, 759 (2019).
A. Azizi, D. Hamana, L. Boumaza, Z. Belamri, M. Toubane, W. Medjemedj, Study ofthe microstructural evolution ofprecipitation in AZ91 alloy, Journal ofNew Technology and Materials (JNTM), ISSN: 2170-161X (2019).
Z. Belamri, D. Hamana, A. Azizi, L. Boumaza, A. Haddad, Study ofthe microstructural evolution of precipitation in AZ91 alloy, Journal of New Technology and Materials (JNTM), ISSN : 2170-161X (2019).
L. Boumaza, L. Hadjadj, D. Hamana, Z. Belamri, A. Azizi, R. Benmalit, Study of the microstructural evolution of precipitation in AZ91 alloy, Journal of New Technology and Materials (JNTM), ISSN: 2170-161X (2019).
Djamel Hamanaa, Imene Lamiria,b, Loubna Chetibia, and Slimane Achoura , Low temperature formation and characterization of Cu2O nanoparticles in the binary 18 carat gold alloys, Surface and Interface Analysis, V 52, 5 Pages (2019).
Souad Kendouli, Slimane Achour, Nadjah Sobti, Loubna Chetibi and Djamel Hamana, Efficient and Durable Semigraphitized Carbon Catalyst for Hydrogen Evolution in Alkaline Electrolyte, Materials Science Engineering and Performance v. 29, p. 1974-1983 (2020).
Mohamed Hachouf, Djamel Hamana, Effect of Bi addition on precipitation and dissolution in Cu-9 at. % In and Cu _ 5 at. % Sb alloys, Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry. 139, 1, 75 (2020).
L. Amiour, D. Hamana, L. Chetibi, Characterization ofthe microstructural evolution ofAu-35%wt. Ag-15%wt. Cu alloy during aging 146, pages Jour. Ther. Analys. Calor. 2343–2351 (2021)
D. Boudouh, D. Hamana, H. Simon, C. Metselaar, S. Achour, L. Chetibi, R. Akhiani, Low temperature green route synthesis ofFe3O4-C nanocomposite using Olive Leaves Extract, Materials Sciences and Engineering B, V 271, p. (2021)
Djahida Boudouh, Rabia Ikram *, Badrul Mohamed Jan, Hendrik Simon Cornelis Metselaar, Djamel Hamana, George Kenanakis, Synthesis, characterization and filtration properties of ecofriendly olive leaves derived Fe3O4 nanoparticles 15
S. Chaguetmi, S. Achour Photoelectrochemical properties of ZnS- and CdS-TiO2 nanostructured photocatalysts: Aqueous sulfidation as a smart route to improve catalyst stability, Journal ofPhotochemistry & Photobiology, A: Chemistry,temperature green route synthesis of Fe3O4-C
Structural, optical and photoelectrochemical properties of TiO2 films decorated with plasmonic silver nanoparticles D.GuitoumeabS.AchourcgN. SobticM.BoudissadN. SouamieY.Messaoudif, Optik International Journal for Light and Electron OpticsVolume 154, February 2018, Pages 182-191
Adem Yar, Bircan Haspulat, Tugay Üstün, Volkan Eskizeybek, Ahmet Avcı, Handan Kamış and Slimane Achour, Electrospun TiO2/ZnO/PAN hybrid nanofiber membranes with efficient photocatalytic activity, RSC Adv., 2017,7, 29806-298 14.
S. Chaguetmi, N. Sobti, P. Decorse, L. Mouton, S. Nowak, F. Mammeri, S. Achour and S. Ammar, Visible-light photocatalytic performances of TiO2nanobelts decorated with iron oxide nanocrystals, RSCAdv., 2016, 6, 114843-114851
Samiha Chaguetmi, Slimane Achour, Ludovic Mouton, Philippe Decorse, Sophie Nowak, Cyrille Costentin, Fayna Mammeri and Souad Ammar, TiO2 nanofibers supported on Ti sheets prepared by hydrothermal corrosion: effect ofthe microstructure on their photochemical and photoelectrochemical properties, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 95038
Monodisperse α-Fe2O3 nanoplatelets: Synthesis and characterization. Ayachi, A.A. Mechakra, H. Silvan, M.M. Boudjaadar, S. Achour, Ceramics International, vol. 41 (2015)
Structural and photoelectrochemical properties of porous TiO2 nanofibers decorated with Fe2O3 by sol-flame. N. Sobti, A. Bensouici, F. Coloma, C. Untiedt, S. Achour, J Nanopart Res. 16 (2014) 2577
-Modification of cellulose acetate nanofibers with PVP/Ag addition. Kendouli, S.; Khalfallah, O. Sobti, N. Bensouissi, A. Avci, A. Eskizeybek, S. Achour, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, vol. 28 (2014)- Photoelectrochemical properties of ZnO nanorods decorated with Cu and Cu2O nanoparticles. Lakehal, S. Achour, S. Ferrari, C. Buffani, E. Rossi, F. Fabrri, Superlattices and Microstructures, vol. 72 (2014)
Physical deposition of carbon doped titanium nitride film by DC magnetron sputtering for metallic implant coating use. S. Sedira, S. Achour, S. Avci, A. Eskizeybek, V., Applied Surface Science, vol. 295 (2014)
Modification of cellulose acetate nanofibers with PVP/Ag addition. Kendouli, S. khalfallah, O. Sobti, N. Bensouissi, A. Avci, A. Eskizeybek, V., S. Achour, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, vol. (2014)
Silver nanoparticles in combination with acetic acid and zinc oxide quantum dots for antibacterial activities improvement - A comparative study, S. Sedira, A.A. Ayachi, A.A, S. Lakehal, M. Fateh, S. Achour, Applied Surface Science, vol. 311 (2014)
Synergetic effect of CdS quantum dots and TiO2 nanofibers for photoelectrochemical hydrogen generation. S. Chaguetmi, F. Mammeri, M. Pasut, S. Nowak, H. Lecoq, P. Decorse, C. Costentin, S. Achour, S. Ammar. J Nanopart Res. Vol. 15 (2013) 2140
Photocatalytic activity of TiO2 nanofibers sensitized with ZnS quantum dots Samiha Chaguetmi, Fayna Mammeri, Sophie Nowak, Philippe Decorse, Hélène Lecoq, Meriem Gaceur, Jamila Ben Naceur, Slimane Achour, Radhouane Chtourou and Souad Ammar, RSCAdv., 3 (2013) 2572-2580
Ultra fast synthesis of zinc oxide nanostructures by microwaves. Tabet, N.; Al Ghashani, R.; Achour, S. Superlattices and Microstructures, vol. 45 (2009)
Mullite and alumina composites preparation from cordierite and aluminium hydroxide N. Aklouche, S. Achour, N. Tabet, Materials Research Bulletin, vol. 43 (2008)
Effect of tantalum addition on microstructure and optical properties of TiN thin films O. Bourbia, S. Achour, N. Tabet, M. Parlinska, A. Harabi, Thin Solid Films, vol. 515 (2007)
Influence of polarization electric field on the dielectric properties of BaTiO3-based ceramics
M.T. Benlahrache, S.E. Barama, N. Benhamla, S. Achour, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, vol. 9 (2006)
Porous ceramic supports for membranes prepared from kaolin and doloma mixtures F. Bouzerara, A. Harabi, S. Achour, A. Larbot, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, vol. 26 (2006)
Thin SiO2 growth by combined rapid thermal and plasma processing. N. Boumaiza, S. Achour, M.E. Tayar, Thin Solid Films, vol. 261 (1995)
Defect distribution in electron-irradiated CdS materials S. Achour, M.T. Benlahrache, A. Harabi, Thin Solid Films, vol. 238 (1994)
Effect of thermal annealing on the cathodoluminescence of evaporated CdS films S. Achour, G.H. Talat, Thin Solid Films, vol. 144 (1986)
Structural and photoelectrochemical properties of porous TiO2 nanofibers decorated with Fe2O3 by sol-flame. N. Sobti, A. Bensouici, F. Coloma, C. Untiedt, S. Achour, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, vol. 16 (2014)
Synergetic effect of CdS quantum dots and TiO2 nanofibers for photoelectrochemical hydrogen generation. S. Chaguetmi, F. Mammeri, M. Pasut, S. Nowak, H. Lecoq, P. Decorse, C. Costentin, S. Achour, S. Ammar, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, vol. 15 (2013)
Photocatalytic activity ofTiO2 nanofibers sensitized with ZnS quantum dots. S. Chaguetmi, F. Mammeri, S. Nowak, P. Decorse, H. Lecoq, M. Gaceur, J. Ben Naceur, S. Achour, R. Chtourou, S. Ammar, RSC Advances, vol. 3 (2013)
Effect of thickness and orientation of alumina fibrous thermal insulation on microwave heating in a modified domestic 2.45 GHz multi-mode cavity. A. Harabi, N. Karboua, S. Achour, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, vol. 9 (2012)
Synthesis and characterisation of ZnO/PVA composite nanofibres by electrospinning R. Bouzerara, S. Achour, N. Tabet, S. Zerkout, International Journal of Nanoparticles, vol. 4 (2011)
Microwave hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of ZnO nanosheets S. Boudjadar, S. Achour, N. Boukhenoufa, L. Guerbous, International Journal of Nanoscience, vol. 9 (2010)
Preparation and characterization of macroporous ceramic supports for membranes F. Bouzerara, S. Boulanacer, A. Harabi, B. Boudaira, S. Achour, S. Condom, Physics Procedia, vol. 2 (2009)
Structural study and optical properties of TiO2 thin films elaborated by thermal oxidation of RF magnetron sputtered Ti films D. Guitoume, S. Achour, A. Guittoum, S.E.H. Abaidia, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1047 (2008)
Mullite and alumina composites preparation from cordierite and aluminium hydroxide. N. Aklouche, S. Achour and N. Tabet. Material Research Bulletin. Vol. 43 (2008)
Optical characterisation of chemically deposited Pb(1-x)Cd xS films and a Pb1- xCdxS(n)/Si(p) heterojunction. A. Ounissi, N. Ouddai, S. Achour, EPJ Applied Physics, vol. 37 (2007)
TiN-Fe nanocomposite thin films deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering S. Zerkout, S. Achour, N. Tabet, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 40 (2007)
Growth of ZnO nanorods from Zn and Zn- Zn3N2 films. A. Toumiat, S. Zerkout, S. Achour, N. Tabet, L. Guarbous, L. AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 929 (2007)
Calculation ofthe optical and electronic properties of TiNxthin films on domain IR-VIS¬UV. M. Benhamida, A. Meddour, S. Zerkout, S. Achour, Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM, vol. 777 (2006)
Effect of nitrogen reactive gas on ZnO nanostructure development prepared by thermal oxidation of sputtered metallic zinc. A. Toumiat, S. Achour, A. Harabi, N. Tabet, M. Boumaour, M. Maallemi, Nanotechnology, vol. 17 (2006)
Study of erbium oxidation by XPS and UPS. N. Guerfi, O. Bourbia, S. Achour, Materials Science Forum, vol. 480-481 (2005)
Structure of Ti1-xTaxN thin films prepared by DC-magnetron sputtering O. Bourbia, N. Guerfi, S. Achour, N. Tabet, A. Mosser, Materials Science Forum, vol. 480-481 (2005)
Effect of stabilised ZrO2, Al2O3 and TiO2 on sintering of hydroxyapatite. F. Mezahi, A. Harabi, S. Zouai, S. Achour, D. Bernache-Assollant, Materials Science Forum, vol. 492-493 (2005)
A process for sintering of diopside prepared from dolomite. S. Zouai, F. Mezahi, S. Achour, A. Harabi, Materials Science Forum, vol. 492-493 (2005)
Effect of heat treatment on TiNx film structure. S. Zerkout, M. Benkahoul, H. Sahraoui, S. Achour, A. Mosser, Materials Science Forum, vol. 480-481 (2005)
Dielectric properties of BaTiO3-NaNbO3 compositesM.T. Benlahrache, N. Benhamla, S. Achour, Journal ofthe European Ceramic Society, vol. 24 (2004)
Effect of stabilised ZrO2 on sintering of hydroxyapatite. Mezahi, F.; Harabi, A.; Achour, S. KeyEngineering Materials, vol. 264-268 (2004)
Effect of temperature and Na2CO3 additions on sintering and crystallisation of anorthite. Guechi, A.; Achour, S.; Harabi, A. Key Engineering Materials, vol. 264-268 (2004)
38-Effect of Fe2O3 additions on dielectric properties of BaTiO3-NaNbO3 ceramics Benlahrache, M.T.; Achour, S.; Barama, S.E.; Seridi, F.; Harabi, A. Key Engineering Materials, vol. 264-268 (2004)
On the existence of superstructure in TiNx thin films. Zerkout, S.; Achour, S.; Mosser, A.; Tabet, N. Thin Solid Films, vol. 441 (2003)
40-Phase transformation in Kaolin-doloma mixture. Harabi, A.; Boudchicha, M.R.; Aklouche, N.; Achour, S. Key Engineering Materials, vol. 206-213 (2001)
Crystallization and sintering of cordierite and anorthite based binary ceramics Boudchicha, M.R.; Achour, S.; Harabi, A. Journal of Materials Science Letters, vol. 20 (2001)
Effect of Tantalum addition on optical transmittance and electrical resistivity of TiN thin films prepared by d.c. magnetron sputtering. Bourbia, O.; Achour, S.; Zerkout, S.; Benkahoul, M.; Harabi, A. Key Engineering Materials, vol. 206-213 (2001)
Effect of doloma addition on mechanical properties of mullite prepared from kaolin HARABI, B. KAOUACHE and S. ACHOUR, Polish Ceram. Bull., Vol 60 (2000) 397-402 Anorthite based ceramics preparation from kaolin and calcium hydration S. ACHOUR,. M. R. BOUDCHICHA and A. HARABI, Polish Ceram. Bull., 60 (2000) 357-360.
Imene Atmane, Nadjah Sobti, Loubna Chetibi, Anna Dimitrova, Salah Zerkout, Slimane Achour, Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials (2018), https://dqi.qrg/1 0.1 007/s1 0904-018-0973.
Mara Serrapede, Amjid Rafique, Marco Fontana, Abderaouf Zine, Paola Rivolo, Stefano Bianco, Loubna Chetibi, Elena Tresso, Andrea Lamberti, Fiber-shaped asymmetric supercapacitor exploiting rGO/Fe2O3 aerogel and electrodeposited MnOx nanosheets on carbon fibers, Journal of Fiber-shaped asymmetric supercapacitor exploiting rGO/Fe2O3 aerogel and electrodeposited MnOx nanosheets on carbon fibers 144 (2018) 91- 100,
Loubna Chetibi, certificate of completion by Dr. Charles E. Dunlap instructor, of a workshop on Research Paper Autorship and English Technical writing, Held 29-30, 2012 January in Constantine, Algeria.
Loubna Chetibi, Djamel Hamana, Miguel Manso Silvan, Slimane Achour, Electrochemical synthesis and characterization of graphite nanoparticles, Applied Physics A Applied Physics A (2022) 128:578
Loubna Chetibi, Mohamed Oussama Bounab, Aymen Benmkideche, Djamel Hamana, Slimane Achour, Realization and characterization of flexible supercapacitors based on doped graphene electrodes, Solid State of electrochemistry (accepted for publication 2022).
Loubna Chetibi, Mohamed Oussama Bounab, Aymen Benmkideche, Djamel Hamana, Slimane Achour, Realization and characterization of flexible supercapacitors based on doped graphene electrodes, Solid State of electrochemistry (accepted for publication 2022).
B. Laouar, D. Hamana, A. Hayoune, "Effect of thermomechanical treatment on the hardening of Al6060 Alloy", Materials Science and Technology (accepted for publication 2022).
Y. Hamiene, A. Hayoune, D. Hamana, L. Hennet, Effect of thermomechanical treatment on the hardening of Al6060 Alloy", Materials Science and Technology (accepted for publication 2022). Microstructural Evolution During Continuous Heating, of Multilayered Al/Fe Metallic Composite Elaborated by Accumulative Roll Bonding? Materials Science Engineering and Performance (accepted for publication)
A. Zine, D. Hamana, N. Kebaili, L. Chetibi, S. Achour, " Polymorphs Fe hydroxides nanostructures growth via green route: Effect of Olive Leaves Extract surfactant", Journal of Crystal Growth (accepted for publication 2022).
Imad Messai , Djamel Hamana, Zehira Belamri, Volodymyr Chernenko, Effect of Cr addition and heat treatment on the properties of Fe-Al melt-spun ribbons, Metallurgical Research & Technology V 120, 1-9 (2023).
L. Chetibi, D. Hamana and S. Achour, " Metal assisted chemical etching of silicon and solution synthesis of Cu2O/Si radial nanowire array heterojunctions", Semiconductors (accepted for publication 2023).
Djahida Boudouh, Golnoush Zamiri, Yew Hoong Wong, Slimane Achour, Djamel Hamana, Loubna Chetibi, Hendrik Simopn Cornelis Metselaar, Size and morphology effect on gas sensing properties of Fe3O4-c nanocomposites prepared via green synthesis, Journal of The Electrochemical
Society (accepted for publication 2023).
Imad Messai , Djamel Hamana, Zehira Belamri, Volodymyr Chernenko, Effect of Cr addition and heat treatment on the properties of Fe-Al melt-spun ribbons, Metallurgical Research & Technology V 120, 1-9 (2023).
Abdelmalik Zemieche, Loubna Chetibi, Djamel Hamana, Slimane Achour, Vito Di Noto " Doctor Blade Symmetric and Asymmetric Supercapacitor Fabrication Based on Biologically Synthesized NiO Nanoparticles and Graphene", Journal of Colloid (accepted for publication 2023).

Mechanical Engineering Department

Liste des articles publiés dans des journaux scientifiques mecanique
M Meribout, S Mekid, N Kharoua L Khezzar (2021) Online Monitoring of Structural Materials Integrity in Process Industry for I4.0: A Focus on Material Loss through Erosion and Corrosion Sensing", Measurement, 109110
J Song, N Kharoua, L Khezzar, M Alshehhi (2021) RANS calculations of 3D swirling flow in a short pipe, Fluid Dynamics and Material Processing, vol 17, n 2, 455-4 70
N Kharoua, L Khezzar, Z Nemouchi (2020) LES Study of Contrasting Behaviour of Plane Impinging Jets for Heating and Cooling Applications, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 118, 104833
M Meribout & L Khezzar, Azzi and Ghendour (2020) Leak detection systems in oil and gas fields: Present and future propects, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 101772
M Meribout, F Shehzad, N Kharoua , L Khezzar (2020) Multiphase Flow Meters Targeting Oil and Gas Industries, Measurement, 108111
M Meribout, F Shehzad, N Kharoua , L Khezzar (2020) Gas-liquid Two-Phase Flow Measurement by Combining a Coriolis Flowmeter with a Flow Conditioner and Analytical Models, Measurement, Vol 163, 107826
M Meribout, F Shehzad, N Kharoua , L Khezzar (2020) An Ultrasonic-based Multiphase Flow Composition Meter, Measurement, vol 161, 107806
Z Tianxing, , M Alshehhi, L Khezzar, Y Xia and N. Kharoua (2020) Experimental Investigation of Confined swirling Flow and its Interaction with a Bluff Body, ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, 142, 011102
Y. Xia, L. Khezzar, Y. Hardalupas, M. S. Alshehhi (2019) Influence of Energy Exchange Between Air and Liquid Streams on Spray Characteristices and Atomization Efficiency of Water-Air Impinging Jets, Atomization & Sprays, 29(8):677-707.
Z Tianxing, L Khezzar, M Alshehhi, Y Xia (2019) Experimental investigation of air- water turbulent swirling flow of relevance to phase separation equipment, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 121, 103110
Y. Xia, L. Khezzar, Shrinivas Bojanampati, Arman Molki (2019) Breakup of the Water Sheet Formed by Two Liquid Impinging Jets, International Journal of Chemical Engineering, Article ID 9514848, Volume 2019.
Kharoua, N., Z. Nemouchi, L. Khezzar, and M.S. Alshehhi (2018) Combined Effects of Groups of Vortices Generated by a Pulsating Turbulent Plane Jet Impinging on a Semi­Cylinder: Effects of the Forcing Frequency, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 133, 273-283.
Kharoua, N., L. Khezzar, and M.S. Alshehhi (2018) The interaction of confined swilring flow with a conical bluff body: Numerical simulation, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 136, 207-218.
Y. Xia, L. Khezzar, M. S. Alshehhi and Y. Hardalupas (2018) “Atomization of Impinging Opposed water Jets Interacting with an Air jet”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 83, 11-22.
Y. Xia, M. S. Alshehhi, Y. Hardalupas and L. Khezzar (2018) Spray Characteristics of Free Air-on-Water Impinging Jets, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 100, 86-103.
A Filali, L Khezzar, M Alshehhi and Z Nemouchi (2018) Effect of Solvent Contribution on Thermally Developing Flow of FENE-P Fluids Between Parallel Plates, Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 11, 1.
A Filali, L Khezzar and M Alshehhi (2017) Numerical simulation of FENE-P viscoelastic fluid flow and heat transfer in grooved channel with rectangular cavities, Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, 29(3), 195-205.
Y. Xia, L. Khezzar, M. S. Alshehhi and Y. Hardalupas (2017) Droplet size and velocity characteristics of water-air impinging jet atomizer, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 94, 31-43.
N. Kharoua, L. Khezzar, Z Nemouchi and M.S. Alshehhi (2017) LES study of the combined effects of groups of vortices generated by a pulsating turbulent plane jet impinging on a semi­cylinder, Applied Thermal Engineering, 114, 948-960.
Kharoua, L. Khezzar and M.S. Alshehhi (2017) Flow dynamics of a plane jet impinging on a slotted plate: Large eddy simulation, Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 10(4), 1211-1222.
S. AlMelhi, A. Filali, L. Khezzar and M.S. Alshehhi (2017) Flow and Heat Transfer of a Giesekus Fluid in Plane and 3D Ducts, Heat Transfer – Asian Research, 46, 1380-1398.
N. Kharoua, M.S. Alshehhi and L. Khezzar, A. Filali (2017) CFD prediction of Black Powder particles’ deposition in vertical and horizontal gas pipelines, J of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 149, 822-833.
N Kharoua, L Khezzar & Z Nemouchi (2016) “Flow structure and heat transfer in multiple impinging jets using LES”, Heat Transfer Research, 47(4), 359-382.
A Filali, L Khezzar, M Alshehhi, N Kharoua (2016) A one-D approach for modelling transport and deposition of BP particles in gas networks, J Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 28, 24 1-253.
N. Kharoua, M.S. Alshehhi and L. Khezzar (2016) Effects of fluid flow split on black powder distribution in pipe junctions, Advanced Power Technology, 27(1), 42-52.
T Khan, Y Dai, , M Al Shehhi L Khezzar (2016) Experimental flow characterization of sand particles for pneumatic transport in horizontal circular pipes, Powder Technology, 292, 158- 168.
N. Kharoua, M.S. Alshehhi and L. Khezzar (2015) “Prediction of Black Powder distribution in junctions using the Discrete Phase Model” Powder Technology, 286, 202-211.
L. Khezzar, N. Kharoua and K. Kiger (2015) “Large Eddy Simulation of liquid plunging jets processes”, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 85, 140-155.
T S Khan, M Al Shehhi, S Stephen, L Khezzar (2015) “Characterisation and preliminary root cause identification of black powder content in a gas transmission network”. J of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 27, 769-775.
L Khezzar & A Fillali (2014) “Flow and Heat Transfer of FENE-P fluids in ducts of various shapes: effect of newtonia solvent contribution”. J Non Newtonian Fluid Mech, 207, 7-20.
F Gaci, Z Nemouchi & L Khezzar (2013) “Contribution to the dynamics of the three dimensional flows in square-sectioned curved ducts”, Revue semestrielle de l ’Universite Freres Mentouri B Sciences Appliquées, 37, 2 1-30.
A Filali, L Khezzar (2013) “Numerical Simulation of the Graetz Problem in Ducts with Viscoelastic FENE-P Fluids”, Computers and Fluids, 84, 1-15.
A Filali & L Khezzar (2013) “A Finite Element Investigation of Elastic Flow Asymmetries in Cross-Slot Geometries Using a Direct Steady Solver”, Fluid Dynamics and Material Processing, 82, 110-121.
N. Kharoua, L. Khezzar and H. Saadawi (2013) “CFD Modelling of a Horizontal Three-Phase Separator: A Population Balance Approach”, American Journal of Fluid Dynamics, 3 (4), pp.101-118
A Molik, L Khezzar, A Goharzadeh (2013) “Measurement of fluid velocity development in laminar pipe flow using Laser Doppler Velocimetry”, European Journal of Physics, 34 (5), 1127-1134.
F Gaci, Z Nemouchi, L Khezzar (2013) “On the gwoth of vertical structures in the initial trainsient flow with heat transfer through a curved duct”, Advances and Applications in Fluid Mechanics, 14(1), 27-51.
A Filali, L Khezzar & E Mitsoulis (2013) “Some Experiences with the Numerical Simulation of Newtonian and Bingham Fluids in Dip Coating”, Computers and Fluids, 82, 110-121.
N Kharoua, L Khezzar (2013) “Large Eddy Simulation Study of Turbulent Flow Around Smooth and Rough Domes” Proc. IMechE, Part C. Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 22 7(12), 2686-2 700.
X Qu, A Goharzadeh, L Khezzar & A Molki (2013) “Experimental characterization of air­entrainment in a plunging jet”, Experimental Thermal Fluid Science, 44, 51-61.
A Filali, L Khezzar, D Siginer, Z Nemouchi (2012) “Graetz Problem with Non-linear Viscoelastic Fluids in Non-Circular Tubes” Int. J. Thermal Sciences, 61, 50-60.
A Benhacine, N Kharoua, L Khezzar & Z Nemouchi (2012) “Large Eddy Simulation of a slot jet impinging on a convex surface” Heat and Mass Transfer, vol 48, 1, 1-15.
X Qu, L Khezzar & Z Li (2012) “The Impact and Air Entrainment Process of Liquid Plunging Jets” Proc. IMechE, Part E. Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 226, 238-249.
L Khezzar, Y Vinogradov, & D Siginer (2012) “Natural Convection of Power Law Fluids in Inclined Cavities”, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 53, 8-17.
L Khezzar, D Siginer & I Vinogradov (2012) ‘Natural Convection in Inclined Two­Dimensional Cavities’, Heat & Mass Transfer. 48, 2, 227-239.
N Kharoua, L Khezzar (2011) “Flow Asymmetry in symmetric multiple impinging jets: A Large Eddy Simulation Approach” Journal of Engineering Research (TJER), 48, No. 2, 40- 48.
X Qu, L Khezzar, D Danciu, D Lakehal & M Labois (2011) “Characterisation of Plunging Liquid Jets: A combined experimental and numerical investigation” International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 37, 7,722-731.
I Vinogradov, L Khezzar & D Siginer (2011) “Heat Transfer of Non-newtonian Dilatant Power Law Fluids in Square Cavities, Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 4, No. 2 special issue, 37-42.
N Kharoua, L Khezzar & Z Nemouchi (2011) ‘Study of pressure drop and flow field in standard gas cyclone models using the granular model” International Journal of Chemical Engineering, (2011), Article ID 791218, doi:10. 1155/2011/79218, 11 pages.
F T Akyildiz, D A Siginer & L Khezzar (2011) “Energy Losses and Heat Transfer Enhacement in Transversally Corrugated Pipes”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 54, 3801-3808.
L Khezzar & S Al Alawi (2010) “CFD and Artificial Neural Networks Analysis of Plane Sudden Expansion Flows, International Journal of Engineering, 4, (4), 296-307.
N Kharoua, L Khezzar & Z Nemouchi (2010) ‘CFD Study of the Parameters Affecting Oil­Water Hydrocyclone Performance’ Proc. IMechE, Part E. Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, IMechE, Part E, 224, 119-128.
N Kharoua, L Khezzar & Z Nemouchi (2010) ‘Hydrocyclones for de-oiling applications – A Review’ Journal of Petroleum Science & Technology, vol 8, 7, 738-755.
L Khezzar, A C Seibi & A Goharzadeh (2009) ‘Water Sloshing in Rectangular Tanks- An Experimental Investigation and Numerical Simulation’, International Journal of Engineering, Vol 3, 2, 174-184.
Y Zurigat, B Jubran & L Khezzar (2008) ‘Surge Analysis of Multiphase Flow in a Gathering Manifold’, Journal of Petroleum Science & Technology, 26, n15: 1741-1756.
M Benayoune & L Khezzar (2007) “Petrochemical Industry Development in the MENA Region : The Omani Experience”, MedEnergie Journal, No 22, Jan 2007, 34-40.
L Khezzar and Y Zurigat (2006) “Analysis for Operation of Bottom Water Draw-Off of Stratified oil-water Pipe Flow”, Petroleum Science & Technology, 24, 5, 449-45 7.
L Khezzar & D Garis (2005) “Aspects of The desalination Experience in The Gulf States”, MedEnergie, No 16, July 2005, 32-40.
Y Lahiouel, K Chaoui, L Khezzar, A Haddad & Z Azari (2005) “Optimisation of water distribution networks design by minimizing the total length”, Engineering Transactions,Polish Academy of Sciences Vol 53, No 2, 163-183.
L Khezzar (2004) “Independent Power Producers in Developing Countries : Is it an Appropriate Solution?” MEDenergie Journal, No 13, October 2004, pp 23-29.
Y Lahiouel , A Haddad, L Khezzar & K Chaoui (2003) “ Development of a Method of Routing Networks of Fluid Distribution”, Mechanika, 42, 4, 27-34.
Y Zurigat & L Khezzar (2001) “A Numerical Study of Bottom Water Draw-Off of Stratified Oil-Water Pipe Flow”, Petroleum Science & Technology, issue 19(9&10), pages 1070-1088.
L. Khezzar, S Harous & M Benayoune (2001) “Steady-Sate Analysis of Water Distribution Networks Including Pressure Reducing Valves”, Computer-A ided C & I Engineering Journal, 16, 4, 259-267.
L. Khezzar, S Harous & M Benayoune (2000) “Software Engineering Issues in the Design of and Upwardly-Complex Water Netwrok Analysis Program”, Journal of Water Management Modelling, DOI: 10. 14796/JWMM.R206-04.
L Khezzar & A Seibi (2000) “Production system modeling calibration and optimization in practice”, Petroleum Science & Technology, 18, 5&6, 567-586.
S De Zilwa, L Khezzar & J H Whitelaw (2000) “Flows through Plane sudden expansions” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 32, 3, 313-329.
L Khezzar, S De Zilwa & J H Whitelaw (1999) “Combustion of premixed fuel and air downstream of a plane sudden expansion” Experiments in Fluids, 27(4), 296-309.
M E H Benhamza, L Khezzar & M F Marquis (1999) “Flow characteristics inside a diffuser of complex shape” Proc. IMechE, J. of Mech. Eng. Science, Part C, vol. 213, 2 77-289.
K Al-Asmi, M Benayoune and L Khezzar (1998) “Flow of water-oil mixtures through a pipeline”, Khimicheskoe Neftegazovoe Mashinostroenie, 5, 10-13. ISSN 00231126
L Khezzar (1998) “Velocity Measurements in the Near Field of a Radial Swirler” Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 16, 3, 230-236.
M Benayoune, L Khezzar & M Al Rumhy (1998) “Viscosity of water in oil emulsions” Petroleum Science & Technology, vol. 16, 7&8, 767-784.
L Khezzar & M Benayoune & S Al-Hadaibi (1998) “Numerical simulation of flow and scalar distribution in a room” Emirates Journal of Engineering Research, vol. 3, No. 1, 79-83.
L Khezzar & M Benayoune (1997) “Application of a design method of a supersonic nozzle” Journal of Engineering & Applied Science, vol 44, 5, 933-943.
I Hakeem & L Khezzar (1997) “Some experimental investigations of mixed-flow exhaust turbocharger turbine in time-varying inlet conditions”, Journal of Engineering & Appied Sciences, 16, No 2, 109-129.
K Al-Asmi, M Benayoune & L Khezzar (1997) “Flow behaviour of heavy crude oil”, Petroleum Science and Technology, vol. 15, 7 & 8, 647-665.
O. Houache, L Khezzar & M Benhamza (1996) “Matrix Methods for Pipe Network Analysis”, Transactions of the IchemE, Research and Design (now Chemical Engineering Research and Design), vol 74, Part A, 321-328.
C Arcoumanis, L Khezzar, B Warren & S D Whitelaw (1994) "Shear break-up of Newtonian and non-Newtonian droplets", Experiments in Fluids, 17, 405-414.
L Khezzar & J H Whitelaw (1994) "Numerical simulation of fume cupboard performance", Proc. IMechE, Part C Journal of Mechanical Eng. Science, 208, 155-166.
M E H Benhamza, A Haddad & L Khezzar (1993) "Etude d'un écoulement turbulent a travers un coude de section carrée par anémométrie laser Doppler", Revue Internationale Algerienne des Technologies Avancées, 1, 66-89.
A F Bicen, L Khezzar, M C Schmidt & J H Whitelaw (1989) "Heat transfer and velocity characteristics of single and two phase flows in a subsonic model gun", Experimental Heat Transfer an International Journal, 2, N4, 333-352.
L Khezzar & J H Whitelaw (1988) "Flows through sudden contractions", Proc. IMechE, Part C, Journal of Mechanical Eng. Science, 202, 295-300.
A F Bicen, L Khezzar & J H Whitelaw (1988) "Subsonic single phase flow in a gun simulator", AIAA Journal, 25, 1, 47-5 1.
L Khezzar, J H Whitelaw & M Yianneskis (1986) "Round Sudden expansion flows", Proc. IMechE, Part C, Journal of Mechanical Eng. Science, 200, 6, 447-455.
A. Hamouche et R. Bessaih, “Mixed convection air cooling of protruding heat sources mounted in a horizontal channel ”, Internationa Communication in Hea t and MassTransfe 36 (2009) 841– 849.
A. Hamouche et R. Bessaih,”Mixed Convection Air Cooling of Electronic Components Mounted In a Horizontal Channel”, International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IJTAM), ISSN 09 – 6085 Volume 3 Number 1 (2008) pp. 53 – 64.
A. Hamouche, O. Kerkacha et A Reffis «Numerica simulation of a nanofluid flow in mixed convection inside a heated square cavity ». Journal OF New Technolog y and Materials, (JNTM), ISSN: 2170-161X 111, EISSN : 2588-2082 – Vol.8 Issue 3 (April ) 2019
Zina, B., Filali, A., Laouedj S., Benamara N., “Numerical Investigation of a Solar Air Heater (SAH) with Triangular Artificial Roughness Having a Curved Top Corner”. Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics. Vol. 12, No. 6, November 2019. [Impact Factor: 1.090]
Eutamene S, Boudebous S, Berrahil F, Kholai O, Dahdi B, Filali A. “Unsteady Mixed Convection in a Cubic Lid-Driven Cavity Partially Heated from the Bottom. Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences“. Vol. 57, No. 2, pp. 275-287, 2019. [Impact Factor: 0.146]
Debbah, D., Kholai, O., Filali, A., “Determination of a Hopf bifurcation of natural convection in a symmetric heated square cavity.” International Journal of Heat and Technology. Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 1268-1275, 2018. [SJR 2017: 0.53]
A. Filali, L. Khezzar, H. Semmari, O. Matar Application of artificial neural network for mixed convection in a square lid-driven cavity with double vertical or horizontal oriented rectangular blocks. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 2021
M. Feidt, H. Semmari Première approche d'optimisation d'un système solaire à Cycle Organique de Rankine. Entropie : Thermodynamique – énergie – environnement – économie 2020
H. Semmari, A. Filali, S. Aberkane, R. Feidt&M. Feidt Flare Gas Waste Heat Recovery: Assessment of Organic Rankine Cycle for Electricity Production and Possible Coupling with Absorption Chiller Energies 2020
M. Feidt, H. Semmari Première approche d'optimisation d'un système solaire à Cycle Organique de Rankine. Entropie : Thermodynamique – énergie – environnement – économie
H. Semmari, D. Stitou, S. Mauran. Experimental validation of an analytical model of hydraulic motor operating under variable electrical loads and pressure heads. Applied Energy, 206 (2017).pp 1309-1320.
H. Semmari, A. LeDen, F. Boudéhenn et al. Case study for experimental validation of a new presizing tool for solar heating, cooling and domestic hot water closed systems. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 10, pp. 272-282, 2017.
H. Semmari, O. Marc, J.P. Praene et al. Sensitivity analysis of the new sizing tool “PISTACHE” for solar heating, cooling and domestic hot water systems. Energy Procedia, 48, pp. 997-1006, 2014.
H. Semmari, D. Stitou, S. Mauran: A novel Carnot-based cycle for ocean thermal energy conversion, Energy, 43, pp.361-375, 2012.
S. Mauran, M. Martins, D. Stitou, H. Semmari: A Novel process for engines or heat pumps based on thermal-Hydraulic Conversion, Applied Thermal Engineering, 37, pp.249-257, 2012.
Y. Mouadji, M. A. Bradai, R. Younes, A. Sadeddine, A. Benabbas, Influence of heat treatment on microstructure and tribological properties of flame spraying Fe–Ni–Al alloy coating. Central South University Press and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018.
1- M.A. Bradai, A. Sadeddine, Y. Mouadji, A. Benabbas, N. Bounar, A. Mammeri, Microstructural and mechanical propperties of Ni-base thermel spray coatings deposited by flam spraying. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, Springer July 2011.
Y. Mouadji, A. Bouchoucha, M.A. Bradai, H. Zaidi, Mechanical stress analysis in a dynamic graphite- graphite contact: consequences on wear. International Review of Mechanical Engineering (I.RE.M.E.), Vol. 05, n. 5. J uly 2011.
Y. Mouadji , M.A. Bradai, A. Bouchoucha, A. Belek, Numerical analysis of heat exchange in a dry friction contact between a pin and a rotating cylinder, Journal of Materials Science and Engineering (A, B). 2013.
M.A. Bradai, A. Sadeddine, Y. Mouadji, Analyse microstructurale et tribologique de deux types de dépôts en acier inoxydable 18/8 et en molybdène obtenus par projection thermique. Revue de Métallurgie 110, (2013) 405–414.
N. Bounar, M. A. Bradai, A. Sadeddine, Y. Mouadji, A. Benabbas, Effet des post-traitements sur les propriétés tribologiques d’un dépôt à base de nickel réalisé par projection thermique. Annales de Chimie et Science des Matériaux, vol 38 (5-6) (2013) 241-252
C. Boubechou, A. Bouchoucha, H. Zaidi, Y. Mouadji. Thermal and tribological analysis of the dry sliding steel-steel couple traversed by an electrical current. A paraître dans Physics Procedia, Science Direct, Elsevier. 2014.
R. Younes, M. A. Bradai, A. Sadeddine, Y. Mouadji, A. Bilek, A. Benabbas, Microstructural and Tribological Properties of Al2O3-13pctTiO2 Thermal Spray Coatings Deposited by Flame Spraying, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 46(5) (2015) 2394-2403.
Younes R., Bradai M.A., Sadeddine A., Mouadji Y., Bilek Ali, Benabbas Abderrahim. Effect of TiO2 and ZrO2 reinforcements on properties of Al2O3 coatings fabricated by thermal flame spraying. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China (2016).
R Younes M A Bradai, A Sadeddine, YMouadji,et A Benabbas Influence des post-traitements sur la résistance à l’usure des dépôts en superalliage Ni-Cr-Al-Mo obtenus par projection thermique Matériaux & Techniques 106, 605 (2018) © EDP Sciences, 2019
A Bahloul, A Djebara, MN Saidi, V Songmene, F Villalpando, M Reggio. Computational and Experimental Analysis of Ultrafine Particle Dispersion During Granite Polishing. Aerosol Science and Engineering, 1-11, 2019.
A Djebara, V Songmene, A Bahloul. Performance of a Capillary Dilution System for High-Concentration Sampling of Ultrafine Aerosols. Aerosol Science and Engineering, 1-6, 2018.
Riad Khettabi, Mourad Nouioua, Abdelhakim Djebara, Victor Songmene. Effect of MQL and dry processes on the particle emission and part quality during milling of aluminum alloys. Int J Adv Manuf Technol, 2017.
Brochot, C., Djebara, A., Haghighat, F., & Bahloul, A. (2015). Validation of a Laboratory Test Bench for the Efficiency of an N95 Filtering Face Piece, using Simulated Occupational Exposure. Journal of Environmental & Analytical Toxicology, 2015.
Djebara, A., Zedan, Y., Kouam, J., & Songmene, V. (2013). The Effect of the Heat Treatment on the Dust Emission During Machining of an Al-7Si-Mg Cast Alloys. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 22(12), 3840-3853.
Djebara, A., Songmene, V., & Bahloul, A. (2013). Effects of machining conditions on specific surface of PM 2.5 emitted during metal cutting. Health, 2013.
Kamguem, R., Djebara, A., & Songmene, V. (2013). Investigation on surface finish and metallic particle emission during machining of aluminum alloys using response surface methodology and desirability functions. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 69(5-8), 1283-1298.
Kouam, J., Songmene, V., Zedan, Y., Djebara, A., & Khettabi, R. (2013). On chip formation during drilling of cast aluminum alloys. Machining Science and Technology, 17(2), 228-245.
Zedan, Y., Niknam, S. A., Djebara, A., & Songmene, V. (2012, November). Burr size minimization when drilling 6061-T6 aluminum alloy. In ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (pp. 1053-1059). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Djebara, A., & Songmene, V. (2012, October). Dry machining of aluminum alloys and air quality. In Proceedings of the 37th International MATADOR Conference (p. 135). Springer Science & Business Media.
A. Djebara, V. Songmene, R. Khettabi, J. Kouam, (2012), “An Experimental Investigation on Ultrafine Particles Emission During Milling Process Using Statistical Analysis”, International Journal of Advances in Machining and Forming Operations, Vol. 4 No.1 pp. 15-37.
Kouam, J., Songmene, V., Djebara, A., & Khettabi, R. (2012). Effect of friction testing of metals on particle emission. Journal of materials engineering and performance, 21(6), 965- 972.
Khettabi, R., Zaghbani, I., Djebara, A., Kouam, J., & Songmene, V. (2011). A new sustainability model for machining processes. International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management, 2(3), 187-202.
HAMIOUD S., KHALFALLAH S., BILOTTA E. (?) Vibration of beams on variable Winkler elastic foundation by using the spectral element method. Under review
BOUDAA S., KHALFALLAH S., BILOTTA E. (?) Influence of soil-structure interaction on the dynamic response of beam by the spectral element method. Under review
HAMIOUD S., KHALFALLAH S., BOUDAA S. (?) Vibration of Timoshenko beam-soil foundation interaction by using the spectral element method. Under review.
GUERDOUH D., KHALFALLAH S. (2019) Soil-Structure interaction Effects on the Seismic Performance of Frame Structures. Revista de la Construccion, Journal of Construction, Vol. 19(2): 349-363.
GUERDOUH D., KHALFALLAH S. (2019) Effects and behavior of soil-framed structure interaction under dynamic loading. Accepted in Gradevinar Journal.
BOUDAA S., KHALFALLAH S., HAMIOUD S. (2019) Dynamic analysis of soil structure interaction by spectral element method. Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, 4 : 40.
BOUROUAIAH W., KHALFALLAH S. (2019) Influence of soil properties on the dynamic response of structures. International Journal of Advanced Structural Engineering, Vol. 11(3): 309-319.
BOUROUAIAH W., KHALFALLAH S., BOUDAA S. (2019) Soil non homogeneity and soil structure interaction effects on Euler-Bernoulli Beam vibration Structure and Building Journal, Vol. 176(7):
HAMIOUD S., KHALFALLAH S. (2019) Vibration Analysis of a Beam on Elastic Foundation with Elastically Restrained Ends Using Spectral Element Method World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Vol. 13(9): 600-604.
BOUDAA S., KHALFALLAH S., Bilotta E. (2019) Static interaction analysis between beam and layered soil using a two-parameter elastic foundation International Journal of Advanced Structural Engineering, Vol. 11(1): 21-30.
HAMIOUD S., KHALFALLAH S. (2018) Free-vibration of Timoshenko Beam using the spectral element method. International Journal for Engineering Modelling, Vol. 31(1-2), 2018, pp. 61-76. 1-2/355 .pdf
BOUROUAIAH W., KHALFALLAH S., GUERDOUH D. (2017) Effect of soil mechanical properties on RC wall system responses. Tecknicki Glasnik Journal, Vol. 11(1-2), 2017, pp. 1-6. clanak jezik=270882
HAMIOUD S., KHALFALLAH S. (2016) Free-vibration of Bernoulli-Euler Beam by the spectral element method. Technical Journal, Vol. 10 (3-4), 2016, pp. 106-112. clanakj ezik=253508
KHALFALLAH S. (2015) Analytical approach of tension stiffening contribution of GFRP-members. Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, Vol. 18(1), 2015, pp. 1-8. 907.pdf
KHALFALLAH S., GUERDOUH D. (2014) Tension stiffening approach in concrete of tensioned members. International Journal of advanced Structural Engineering, Vol. 6:51, 2014.
KALFALLAH S. (2013) Tension stiffening model for nonlinear analysis of GFRP-RC members IES Journal Part A: Civil & Structural Engineering, Vol. 6 (3), 2013, pp. 269-277
KHALFALLAH S. (2011) Explaining the Riddle of Effective Moment of Inertia Models for FRP Concrete Beams. International Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 2(1), 2011, pp. 23-34.
KHALFALLAH S. (2009) Tension stiffening model of RC beams based on fracture energy concept. International Review of Mechanical Engineering, 2009, vol. 3(5), 573-578. vol 3 n 5 .html
KHALFALLAH S. (2009) Modeling of bond in reinforced concrete structures. Building research journal, 2009, Vol. 57(1), pp. 45-54. ew&id=378&Itemid=32
KHALFALLAH S. (2008) Tension stiffening bond Modeling of Cracked Flexural Reinforced Concrete Beams. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 2008, Vol. 14(2). p. 131-137.
KHALFALLAH S. (2008) Modeling of bond for pull-out tests. Building research journal, 2008, Vol. 56(1), pp. 37-48. Itemid=32
KHALFALLAH S., OUCHENANE M. (2008) Prediction of bond between steel and concrete by numerical analysis. Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2008, Vol. 2, pp. 1-8.
KHALFALLAH S., OUCHENANE M. (2007) A numerical simulation of bond for pull-out tests- the direct problem. Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, 2007, Vol. 8(5), pp. 481-505.
KHALFALLAH S., BECHKET A. (2007) FE Simulation of Shear Reinforced Concrete Beams. Building Research Journal, 2007, vol.57(3), pp. 133-147. 32
KHALFALLAH S. (2006) Cracking analysis of RC tensioned members. Structural Concrete, Official Journal of the FIB, 2006, vol. 7(3), p. 111-115.
KHALFALLAH S., HAMIMED S. (2005) Bond-slip analysis of reinforced concrete members. European Review of Civil Engineering, 2005, Vol. 9(4), pp. 509-521.
KHALFALLAH S., CHARIF A., NAIMI M. (2004) Nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete structures using a new constitutive model. European Review of Numerical Mechanics, 2004, Vol. 13 N° 8, pp. 841-856.
KHALFALLAH S., CHARIF A., GUENFOUD M. (2002) Nonlinear modeling of RC structure behavior. European Review of Civil Engineering, 2002, Vol.6, N° 7-8, pp. 1397-1414.
GUERDOUH D., KHALFALLAH S., BOUROUAIAIH W. (2018)Influence des propriétés du sol sur la réponse dynamique des portiques Algerian & Equipment Journal, Vol. 58, 2018, pp. 66-77.
HAMIOUD S., KHALFALLAH S. (2017) Dynamic analysis of rods using the spectral element method. Algerian & Equipment Journal, Vol. 57, 2017, pp. 49-55.
KHALFALLAH S. (2010) Caliber of the bond in RC structures (in French). Campus Journal, Mouloud Mamaari University, Tizi Ouzou, Algerie, 2008, Vol. (10) . pp. 3-20
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KHALFALLAH S. (2010) Prediction of the inelastic response of RC walls (in French). Communication Science & Technology Journal, vol. 8, pp. 33-40. 5 .pdf
KHALFALLAH S., BENOUATA S. (2009) Elastoplastic approach of annular structure behavior (in French). Algeria &t Equipements Journal, N° 45(2), pp. 31-35. numeros/89 revue-45
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KHALFALLAH S., CHARIF A. (2004) Bi-dimensional behavior of structures under monotonic loading. Algeria &t Equipements Journal, Vol. 37, 2004, pp. 18-23. revue-37
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Optimization of metal-working process at the base of combined criteria) publié par la revue Morskoy Vestnik Magazine N 02, 2003.
M. Benmerkhi, M. Afrid, D. Groulx. Thermally developing forced convection in a metal foam-filled elliptic annulus. International Journal of Heat and mass Transfer 97 253-269. 2016.
K. Zerari, M. Afrid & D. Groulx. Forced and mixed convection in the annulus between two horizontal confocal elliptical cylinders. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 74. pp. 126-144. 2013.
M. Benmerkhi & M. Afrid. Transfert de chaleur dans un canal partiellement rempli d’une matière poreuse. Revue des Sciences et de Technologie,Synthèse. Université Badji Mokhtar Annaba.N°23. pp. 56-71. Octobre 2011.
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S. Benissaad & M. Afrid. Three dimensional numerical study of the double diffusion natural convection in cooperation case. World Journal of Engineering. 3(3). pp. 52-63. 2006.
T. Boufendi and M. Afrid. Three Dimensional conjugate conduction-mixed convection with variable Fluid properties in a heated horizontal pipe. Revue des énergies renouvelables. Volume 8. N°1. pp. 1-18. 2005.
T. Boufendi and M. Afrid. The physical aspect of three-dimensional mixed convection in a uniformly heated horizontal pipe. Science et Technologie A. La revue semestrielle de l’université Mentouri-Constantine. N°22. pp.39-52. Décembre 2004.
S. Benissaad & M. Afrid. « Influence du nombre de Grashof sur la convection naturelle a double diffusion dans une enceinte rectangulaire à faible rapport de forme ». Entropie, la revue internationale de science et techniques nouvelles en énergétique, génie chimique, génie biologique. N° 242. Pages : 44-55. 2002.
R. Bessaih &M. Afrid. « Effet thermique d'un craque mécanique dans un micro¬processeur. Revue des Sciences & Technologie de l'Université Mentouri¬Constantine. N°9, 41-47, 1998.
M. Afrid & A. Zebib. «Three-Dimensional Laminar And Turbulent Natural Convection Cooling of Heated Blocks ». Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A, vol. 19, pp.405-424, 1991.
M. Afrid & A. Zebib. «Oscillatory Three-Dimensional Convection in Rectangular Cavities and Enclosures ». Physics of Fluids A, vol. 2, No. 8, pp. 1318-1327, 1990.
C. Gervasio, A. Bottaro, M. Afrid & A. Zebib. «Oscillatory Natural Convection in a Long Horizontal Cavity ». Notes in Numerical Fluid Mechanics, edited by B. Roux, Viewg Verlag, Braunschweig, vol. 27, pp. 136-143, 1990.
M. Afrid & A. Zebib. «Natural Convection Air Cooling of Heated Components Mounted on a Vertical Wall ». Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A, vol.15, pp. 243- 259, 1989
Abbes Attia, Mahmoud Mamou, Smail Benissaad, Nabil Ouazaa, “Linear and non linear stability of Soret-Dufour Lapwood convection near double codimension-2 points“.Heat Transfer-Asian Res. 2018 ;1-30.
Saida Saadi, Smail Benissaad, Sébastien Poncet and Yassine Kabar, Effective Cooling of Photovoltaic Solar Cells by Inserting Triangular Ribs: A Numerical Study, International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering 12(7). (2018).
El Wardi Bitam, Yassine Demagh, Ahmed Amine Hachicha, Hocine Ben Moussa and Yassine Kabar. Numerical investigation of a novel sinusoidal tube receiver for parabolic trough technology, Applied Energy, Volume 218, (2018), Pages 494-510
Amel Ghellab, Abdennacer Kaabi and Yassine Kabar, Numerical study of a hybrid photovoltaic/thermal solar collector using two different glazing, Sciences &Technologie B– N°45, (2017), pp 45-55
Yassine Demagh, Yassine Kabar, Lyes Bordja and Samira Noui; The 3d heat flux density distribution on a novel parabolic trough wavy absorb;AIP Conference Proceedings 1734, 070004 (2016)
Y. Demagh, L. Bordja, Y. Kabar, Benmoussa , A design method of an S-curved parabolic trough collector absorber with a three-dimensional heat flux density distribution, Solar Energy (2015), 122, 873–884.
Y. Kabar, R. Bessaih, M. Rebay, Conjugate heat transfer with rarefaction in parallel plates microchannel , Superlattices and Microstructures (2013), 60, 370–388.
Y. Kabar, M. Rebay, M. Kadja, C. Padet , Numerical Resolution of Conjugate Heat Transfer Problem in Parallel-Plate Micro-Channel, Heat Transfer Research, volume 41, issue 3, pages 247-263 (2010)
Meribout, M., Mekid, S., Kharoua, N., Khezzar, L., 2021. Online Monitoring of Structural Materials Integrity in Process Industry for I4.0: A Focus on Material Loss through Erosion and Corrosion Sensing. Measurement (Q1).
Song, J., Kharoua, N., Khezzar, L., AlShehhi, M.S., 2021. Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Swirling Pipe Flow with an Internal Conical Bluff Body. Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing (Q4), 17(2), 455-470.
Kharoua, N., Khezzar, L., Nemouchi, Z., 2020. LES Study of Contrasting Behaviour of Pulsating Plane Impinging Jets for Heating and Cooling Applications. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer (Q1).
Meribout, M., Shehzad, F., Ghendour, N., Kharoua, N., Khezzar, L., AlHosani, E., 2020. Multiphase Flow Meters Targeting Oil & Gas Industries. Measurement (Q1).
Meribout, M., Shehzad, F., Kharoua, N., Khezzar, L., 2020. Gas-liquid Two-Phase Flow Measurement by Combining a Coriolis Flowmeter with a Flow Conditioner and Analytical Models. Measurement (Q1).
Meribout, M., Shehzad, F., Kharoua, N., Khezzar, L., 2020. An Ultrasonic-based Multiphase Flow Composition Meter. Measurement (Q1).
Tianxing, Z., Alshehhi, M., Khezzar, L., Xia, Y., Kharoua, N., 2020. Experimental Investigation of Confined Swirling Flow and Its Interaction with a Bluff Body. Journal of Fluids Engineering (Q2), 142, 011102/1-11.
Liang, G. Islam, MD., Kharoua, N., Simmons, R., 2018. Numerical study of heat transfer and flow behavior in a circular pipe tube fitted with varying arrays of winglets vortex generators. International Journal of Thermal Sciences (Q1), 134, 54-65.
Kharoua, N., Khezzar, L., Nemouchi, Z., 2018. LES study of the combined effects of groups of vortices generated by a pulsating turbulent plane jet impinging on a semi-cylinder: Different forcing frequencies. International Journal of Thermal Sciences (Q1), 133,273-283.
Kharoua, N., Khezzar, L., AlShehhi, M.S., 2018. The interaction of confined swirling flow with a conical bluff body: Numerical simulation. Chemical Engineering Research and Design (Q1), 136, 207-218.
Xu, Y., Islam, M.D., Kharoua N., 2018. Experimental study of thermal performance and flow behaviour with winglets vortex generators in a circular tube. Applied Thermal Engineering (Q1), 135,257-268.
Kharoua, N., Khezzar, L., AlShehhi, M.S., 2017. Flow Dynamics of a Plane Jet Impinging on a Slotted Plate: Large Eddy Simulation. Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics (Q2), 10(4), 1211- 1222.
Kharoua, N., AlShehhi, M.S., Khezzar, L., Filali, A., 2017. CFD Prediction of Black Powder P articles’ Deposition in Vertical and Horizontal Gas Pipelines. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (Q1), 149, pp.822-833.
Kharoua, N., Khezzar, L., Nemouchi, Z., AlShehhi, M.S., 2017. LES Study of the Combined Effects of Groups of Vortices Generated by Forced Turbulent Plane Jet Impinging on a Semi- Cylinder. Applied Thermal Engineering (Q1), 114,948-960.
Xu, Y., Islam, M.D., Kharoua, N., 2017. Numerical Study of Winglets Vortex Generator Effects on Thermal Performance in a Circular Pipe. International Journal of Thermal Sciences (Q1), 112, pp.304-317.
Kharoua, N., Khezzar, L., 2016. Effects of Geometry, Temperature, and Inlet Conditions on the Flow Split in Spheroids Manifold. International Journal of Petrochemical Science & Engineering, 1(4), 00022. DOI:1 0.1 5406/ipcse.201 6.01.00022.
Kharoua, N., Khezzar, L., Nemouchi, Z., 2016. Large Eddy Simulation of Flow and Heat Transfer in Multiple Round Impinging Jets. Heat Transfer Research (Q3), 47(4), pp. 359-382.
Kharoua, N., AlShehhi, M.S., Khezzar, L., 2016. Effects of Fluid Flow Split on Black Powder Distribution in Pipe Junctions. Advanced Powder Technology (Q1), 27, pp.42-52.
Filali, A., Khezzar, L., AlShehhi, M.S., Kharoua, N., 2016. 1D Approach for Modeling Transport and Deposition of Black Powder Particles in Gas Network. Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering (Q1), 28, pp.241-253.
Kharoua, N., AlShehhi, M.S., Khezzar, L., 2015. Prediction of Black Powder Distribution in Junctions using the Discrete Phase Model. Powder Technology (Q1), 286, pp.202-21 1.
Khezzar, L., Kharoua, N., Kiger, K., 2015. Large Eddy Simulation of Liquid Plunging Jets Processes. Progress in Nuclear Energy (Q2), 85, pp.140-155.
Kharoua, N., Khezzar, L., Saadawi, H., 2013.Flow Modeling in Horizontal Three-Phase Separators: A Population Balance Model Approach. American Journal of Fluid Dynamics, 3(4), pp.101-118.
Kharoua, N., Khezzar, L., 2013. Large Eddy Simulation Study of Turbulent Flow around Smooth and Rough Domes. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science (Q2), 227(12), pp.2686-2700.
Benhacine, A., Kharoua, N., Khezzar, L., Nemouchi, Z., 2012. Large Eddy Simulation of a Slot Jet Impinging on a Convex Surface. Heat and Mass Transfer (Q2), 48(1), pp.1-15.
Kharoua, N., Khezzar, L., 2011. Flow Asymmetry in Symmetric Multiple Impinging Jets: A Large Eddy Simulation Approach. The Journal of Engineering Research-SQU (Q3), 48(2), pp. 40- 48.
Kharoua, N., Khezzar, L., Nemouchi, Z., 2011. Study of the Pressure Drop and Flow Field Prediction in Standard Gas Cyclone Models Using the Granular Model. International Journal of Chemical Engineering (Q3), Volume 2011 (2011), Article ID 791218, 11 pages doi:10.1 155/2011/791218.
Kharoua, N., Khezzar, L., Nemouchi, Z., 2010. Hydrocyclones for De-Oiling Applications: A Review. Petroleum Science and Technology (Q2), 28(7), pp.738-755.
Kharoua, N., Khezzar, L., Nemouchi, Z., 2010. CFD Study of the Parameters Affecting Oil¬water Hydrocyclone Performance. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering (Q2), 224(2), pp.119-128.
Kharoua, N., Talbi, K., Nemouchi, Z., Boulahlib. M.S., 2007. Effet du Maillage et des Schémas de Discrétisation sur les Résultats de Simulation de L’écoulement dans un Cyclone Dépoussiéreur. Sciences et Technologie A, 26, University of Constantine, Algeria, pp.17- 26.
Boulechfar, H., Berrahil, F., Boulmerka, A., Filali, A., Djezzar, M., 2023, Double diffusive Buoyancy-driven flow in fluid-saturated elliptical annulus with neural network-based prediction of heat and mass transfer. Heat transfer. Page: 1-28, ISSN: 2688-4542.
Aberkane, S., Semmari, H., Filali, A., Rebai, N. and Belkadi, M. 2023, Thermo-economic assessment of upgrading a basic gas turbine power plant into CHP plant, Int. J. Exergy, Vol: 40, No. 4, Page:429–450, ISSN: 1742-8297.
Sadji, A., Boudchicha, MR., Ziouche, A., Filali, A., Achour, S., 2023, Glass–ceramic foams from waste glass and natural red soil. Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society Vol: 59, No. 2, Page: 425-436, ISSN: 1388-6150.
Korei, Z., Berrahil, F., Filali, A., Benissaad, S., Boulmerka, A., 2023, Thermo-magnetic convection analysis of magnetite ferrofluid in an arc-shaped lid-driven electronic chamber with partial heating. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, ISSN: 1388-6150.
Korei, Z., Benissaad, S., Filali, A., Berrahil, F., 2023, An Investigation of Entropy and Exergy of Nanofluid Flow in Microchannel Heat Sinks. Journal of Nanofluids. J. Nanofluids Vol: 12, Pages: 1160–1172, ISSN: 2169-432X.
Aberkane, S., Semmari, H., Filali, A., Rebai, N., Belkadi, 2022, Thermo-economic assessment of upgrading a basic gas turbine power plant into CHP plant. International Journal of Exergy. (In Press), ISSN: 1742-8297.
Korei, Z., Benissaad, S., Chamkha, A. J., Berrahil, F., Filali, A., 2022, Thermohydraulic and second law analyses during the cooling of an electronic device mounted in an open cavity equipped with magnetic nanofluid, magnetic field inducer, and porous media: A two-phase numerical investigation. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer.  Vol: 139, 106497, ISSN: 0735-1933.
Belaid, A., Filali, A.,   Hassani, S., Arrif, T., Guermoui, M., Gama, A., Bouakba, M., 2022, Heliostat field optimization and comparisons between a biomimetic spiral and a radial-staggered layouts for different heliostat shapes. Solar energy, Vol: 238, Pages: 162-177, ISSN: 0038-092X.
Korei, Z., Benissaad, S., Berrahil, F., Filali, A., 2022, MHD mixed convection and irreversibility analysis of hybrid nanofluids in a partially heated lid-driven cavity chamfered from the bottom side. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol: 132, 105895, ISSN: 0735-1933
Salhi, J. E., Amghar, K., Filali, A., Salhi N., 2022, Effect of the spacing design of two alternated baffles on the performance of heat exchangers. Defect and Diffusion Forum. 1662-9507, Vol: 415, Pages: 53-72, ISSN: 1662-9507.
D Derbal, A Abderrezak, SE Chehaidia, MT Amin, MI Mosaad, TA Abdul-Fattah, 2023, Parametric Study and Optimization of No-Blocking Heliostat Field Layout, Energies, Vol: 16(13), Pages: 4943, ISSN: 1996-1073
H Cherif, M Maamir, SE Chehaidia, 2023, Analysis for inter turn stator fault with load variation in Induction Motor, International Journal of Energetica (IJECA), Vol: 08(1), Pages: 12-18, ISSN: 2543-3717.

Department of Process Engineering

Liste des articles publiés dans des journaux scientifiques "Génie des Procédés"
Fadel, H., Slougui, N., & Hazmoune, H. (2024). The first report of an Algerian Leopoldia comosa essential oil content and antioxidant assessment. Natural Product Research, 1–7.
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S Merouani, O Hamdaoui, Z Boutamine, Y Rezgui, M Guemini, Experimental and numerical investigation of the effect of liquid temperature on the sonolytic degradation of some organic dyes in water, Ultrasonics sonochemistry 28, 382-392.
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Z Boutamine, S Merouani, O Hamdaoui, Sonochemical degradation of Basic Red 29 in aqueous media,Turkish Journal of Chemistry 41 (1), 99-115.
Z Boutamine, O Hamdaoui, S Merouani, Sonochemical and photosonochemical degradation of endocrine disruptor 2-phenoxyethanol in aqueous media, Separation and Purification Technology 206, 356-364.
F. BADAOUI, D BOUZID,. Statistical design for formulation optimization of diclofenac sodium-loaded ethylcellulose microsponges.Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology.V15, I 6, 2022
F. BADAOUI, D BOUZID, Formulation and optimization of diclofenac sodium loaded ethylcellulose nanoparticles. Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences.V58.2022
N. Faghmous, D BOUZID, M Boumaza, A Touati, O Boyron. Optimization of chitosan-coated W/O/W multiple emulsion stabilized with Span 80 and Tween 80 using Box–Behnken design. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology. V42, Issue 10, 2021
A. Derbali, I. Bahloul, N. Faghmous, D Bouzid. Nanoencapsulation of insuline by alginate/chitosane matrix by ionotropic pre-gelation technique. Journal of New Technology and Materials, V93, I08, , 2019,
N. Amiar, D. Bouzid. T F. McKenna. Influence of the rubber content and particle morphology on the mechanical properties of hiPP , Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2017, 133, 46.
N. Amiar, D. Bouzid. T F. McKenna, Simulation of the EPR flow in hiPP particle, International Conference on the Reaction Engineering of Polyolefins. Maastricht,Pays bas,6-9 Juin 2017
Benhamada M., Bouzid D., Boyron O.,Taam M. The relationship between the aging of polycarbonate characterized by SEC and the release of bisphenol A quantified by HPLC-UV. European Food Research and Technology, 2016,242,2,227-232
Benhamada M., Bouzid D., Saouli O., Boyron O. The effects of hydrothermal aging characterized by sec on the degradations kinetics of polycarbonate calculated through TGA Chemical Engineering Transactions, 43, 1183-1188. 2015.
M. Benhamada, D. Bouzid. Saouli O. The relationship between the aging of polycarbonate and the release of BPA. 12th International Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering, Milan, Italie 19-22 Mai 2015
N. Amiar, D. Bouzid. T F. McKenna. Study of morphology and mechanical behaviour of iPP-EPR nanometric composite, 1st International Symposium on Nanoparticles-Nanomaterials and Applications. Lisbonne 19-22 Janvier 2014
M. BEN HAMADA, D. BOUZID, O. SAOULI. Study of Bisphenol A migration from baby bottles as a function of temperature, pH liquids and duration treatments. International Congress on Energy Efficiency and Energy Related Materials, ENEFM. Antalya Turquie. 9-12 October 2013
1N. Amiar, D. BOUZID, T F. McKenna. Influence of iPP morphology and EPR content on HiPP mechanical properties, International Conference on the Reaction Engineering of Polyolefins. Ferrara, Italie, 2-4 séptembre 2013.
M. BEN HAMADA, D. BOUZID, O. SAOULI. Influence of temperature, pH and duration treatment on the kinetic of the degradation of bisphenol A polycarbonate. International Congress on Energy Efficiency and Energy Related Materials, ENEFM. Antalya Turquie. 9-12 October 2013
BOUZID, D., T.F.L. MCKENNA, “Study and Control of the Distribution of Elastomer in High Impact PP,”Polymer International Conference on the Reaction Engineering of the polyolefins, Montreal, Canada. 22-27 juin, 2008
BOUZID, D; MCKENNA, TF; Improving impact polypropylene morphology and production: Selective poisoning of catalyst surface sites and the use of anti-static agents Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 2006, 207, 13 – 19
BOUZID, D; GABORIAUD, F; MCKENNA, TF; Study and control of the distribution of elastomer in high impact polypropylene. Macromolecular Symposia, 2006, 243, 215 – 224
BOUZID, D; GABORIAUD, F; MCKENNA, TF; Atomic force microscopy as a tool to study the distribution of rubber in high impact poly (propylene) particles Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 2005, 290,6, 565 - 572
BOUZID, D; MCKENNA, TF; Effect of polypropylene particle size on the morphology of the high impact polypropylene particles. DECHEMA Monographs, 2004, 138, 429 – 433
MCKENNA, TF; BOUZID, D; Matsunami, S; Sugano, T; Evolution of particle morpholgy during polymerisation of high impact polypropylene Polymer Reaction Engineering, 2003, 11, 2, 177 - 197
BOUZID, D; MCKENNA, TF; Effect of polypropylene particle size on the morphology of the high impact polypropylene particles. Polymer Reaction Engineering, DECHEMA 52, 14 2004
BOUZID, D; GABORIAUD, F; MCKENNA, TF; Use of AFM to analyse the morphology of high impact polypropylenes. 20 -24 juin 2005, LYON France 3rd European Conference on the Reaction Engineering of Polyolefins ‘ECOREP’
BOUZID, D., T.F. MCKENNA, “Effect of polypropylene particle size on the morphology of high impactpolypropylene particles,” 8th International Workshop on Polymer Reaction Engineering, 4-6 October, 2004, Hamburg, Germany
BOUZID, D., T.F. MCKENNA, “Evolution of particle morphology during the production of high impact polypropylene,” Polymer Reaction Engineering V, 18-23 May 2003, Québec, Canada
BOUZID, D., T.F. MCKENNA, “A preliminary study of the Morphology of impact copolymers," ECOREPII, 1-4 July, 2002, Lyon, France.
2015 Djaballah. M. L, Kabouche. A, Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Prediction of Carbon Dioxide in an Aqueous Alkanolamine Solution Using Deterministic and Stochastic Algorithms, Chem. Eng. Trans, 43 (2015) 1837-1842.
2018 Participation aux Journées Scientifiques sur les Sciences et lEngineering (Science and Engineering Days) JSSE18, Ecole Nationale Polytechnique de Constantine, Algérie, December 9-10, 2018
2019 Djaballah. M. L, Kabouche. Modeling vapor,l iquid equilibrium of CO2 aqueous MEA using hybrid genetic based algorithm J. New Technol. Mater. Special Issue, Vol. 08, N°03(2019) 87-92.
2020 Djaballah. M. L, Merouani. S, Bendjamaa. H, Hamdaoui. O. Development of a free radical based kinetics model for the oxidative degradation of chlorazol black in aqueous solution using periodate photoactivated process , Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, A: Chemistry, DOI:
Bani Kheiredine, Kerroum Derbal, Karima Charbit, Maryem Amrani, “Biogas production by an anaerobic co-digestion process from olive mill waste: effect of ultrasonic pre-treatment”, desalination and water treatment journal, vol. 246, 139-145, (2022).
Bouaita Rokaya, Derbal Kerroum, Antonio Panico, Floriana Iasimone, Ludovico Pontoni, Massimiliano Fabbricino, Francesco Pirozzi, « Methane production from anaerobic co-digestion of orange peel waste and organic fraction of municipal solid waste in batch and semi-continuous reactors», Biomass and Bioenergy (Elsevier), 160, 106421, (2022).
Benalia Abderrezzaq1,2, Derbal Kerroum2,*,Amel Khalfaoui1, Antonio Pizzi3 and Ghouti ,Medjahdi4”The Use of Aloe vera as Natural Coagulant in Algerian Drinking Water Treatment Plant”, Journal of Renewable Materials, DOI: 1 0.32604/jrm.2022.0 17848, (2022).
Benalia Abderrezzaq, Derbal Kerroum,”Use of Aloe vera as an Organic Coagulant for Improving Drinking Water Quality”, Water Journal, 13(15), 1-15, (2021).
Raouf Bouchareb, Kerroum Derbal, Benalia Abderrezzaq, « Optimization of active coagulant agent extraction method from Moringa Oleifera seeds for municipal wastewater treatment», Journal of water science and technology,(IWA), (2021).
Ouafa Achouri a , Antonio Panico b,* , Mossaab Bencheikh-Lehocine a , Kerroum Derbal c , Dayana Arias d, Floriana Iasimone e, Roberta Padulano f , Meriem Bouteraa a ,Amel Rebahi a, Francesco Pirozzi g, « Role of H2O2 dosage on methane production from tannery wastewater: experimental and kinetic study », Journal of water process engineering (Elsevier), 43-102313, (2021).
A. Ouafa1; P. Antonio2; BL. Mossaab1; D. Kerroum3; R. Amel; and P. Francesco2, « Alkaline pretreatment of Tannery Wastewater impact of biochemical potential tests: experimental study and kinetics modeling », Journal of biomass conversion and biorefinery (springer), 1-13, (2021).
Esma Mahfouf Bouchareb, Derbal Kerroum, Ezgi Bezirhan Arilan, Zelal Iski, Nadir Dizge, « Production of bio-hydrogen from bulgur processing industry wastewater», Energy sources, part a: recovery, utilization, and environmental effects (Taylor and francis), (2021).
Raouf Bouchareb, Kerroum Derbal, Yasin ozay, Zeynep Bilici, Nadir Dizge.« Combined natural/chemical coagulation and membrane filtration for wood processing wastewater treatment», Journal of water process engineering, vol. 27, (2020).
Bouaita Rokaya, Derbal Kerroum, Zekri Hayet, Antonio Panico, Achouri Wafa, Francesco Pirozzi, « Biogas production by an anaerobic digestion process from orange peel waste and its improvement by limonene leaching: Investigation of H2O2 pre-treatment effect», Energy sources, part a: recovery, utilization, and environmental effects (Taylor and francis), (2019).
Benalia Abderrezzaq, Derbal Kerroum,Use of Acorn leaves as natural coagulant in drinking water treatment plant, Water Journal, Water 2019, 11, 57; doi: 1 0.3390/w1 1010057.
R. Bouaita, K. Derbal, H. Zekri, Evaluation of ultrasonic pretreatment on anaerobic digestion of citrus orange peel waste for methane production , Journal of New Technology and Materials Volume 8, N° 3, Pages 76-81 (2018).
Benalia Abderrezzaq, Derbal Kerroum, Optimization of the Coagulation Process Used in a Water Treatment Plant Using the Response Surface Methodology (RSM), Algerian Journal of Engineering Research, 05.pd.
Benalia Abderrezzaq, Derbal Kerroum, “Comparative study between Aluminium sulfate and Ferric Chloride”,Journal des doctorial 2/2015/1 2/numero-0 1-J DOC-vf-4-9. pdf.
O. Achouri1; A. Panico2; M. Bencheikh-Lehocine1; K. Derbal3; and F. Pirozzi2 , «Effect of Chemical Coagulation Pretreatment on Anaerobic Digestion of Tannery Wastewater », Journal of environmental engineering ‘ASCE). DOI: 10.1 061/(ASCE)EE. 1943-7870.0001235.
Bani. Kheiredine, Kerroum Derbal, Mossaab. Bencheikh-Lehocine, “Improved Anaerobic Digestion By A Thermal Pretreatment ”, Chemical Engineering transactions Journal, Vol. 53, 518-524, (2016).
Benalia Abderrezzaq, Derbal Kerroum, "Comparative study between Aluminium sulfate and Ferric Chloride", Journal des Doctoriales N° 01, (2015)
Bani.Kheiredine, Kerroum Derbal, Mossaab. Bencheikh-Lehocine, “Effect of Inoculums to Substrate Ratio on Thermophilic Anaerobic Digestion of the Dairy Wastewater”, Chemical Engineering transactions Journal, Vol. 37, 518-524, (2014).
Bani.Kheiredine, Kerroum Derbal, Mossaab. Bencheikh-Lehocine, “Effect of starting pH on the produced methane from dairy waste in thermophilic phase”, Chemical Engineering transactions Journal, Vol. 38, 511-517, (2014)
Derbal Kerroum, Bencheikh-lehocine Mossaab, Meniai Abdessalam Hassen “Production of bio-energy from organic solid waste: effect of temperature and substrate composition”, Journal of Energy Research, Vol. 38, (2), 270-276, (2014).
Derbal Kerroum, Bencheikh-lehocine Mossaab, Meniai Abdessalam Hassen “Study of biodegradability of organic fraction of municipal solid waste”, Journal of Energy Procedia, Vol. 19, 239-248, (2012)
Derbal Kerroum, Bencheikh-lehocine Mossaab, Meniai Abdessalam Hassen “Pilot study of biogas production from organic solid waste in thermophilic phase”, Journal of Science Academy Transactions on Renewable Systems Engineering and Technology (SATRESET), Vol. 1, N° 3, September (2011).
Derbal Kerroum, Bencheikh-lehocine Mossaab, Meniai Abdessalam Hassen,“Use of ADM1 model to simulate the anaerobic digestion process used for sludge waste treatment in thermophilic conditions”, Turkish J. Eng. Env. Sci., 34, 121-1 29, (2010).
K. Derbal, M. Bencheikh-Lehocine, A-H. Meniai, D. Bolzonella, M. Zanette, C. Cavinato, “Application of IWA model mixed with sludge in thermophilic conditions”,RécentsProgrès en Génie des Procédés, Numéro 99, pp 392-1, 392-6, 2-910239-72-1, Ed. SFGP, Paris, France (2009). to simulate the anaerobic co-digestion of organic solids waste
K. Derbal, M. Bencheikh-Lehocine, F. Cecchi, A-H. Meniai, P. Pavan, “Application of IWA model to simulate the anaerobic co-digestion of organic solids waste mixed with sludge in mesophilic conditions”, Bioressource Technology journal, 100, 1539-1543, (2009).
K. Derbal, M. Bencheikh-Lehocine, A-H. Meniai, A. Khalfaoui, “Effect of Starting pH on the Produced Methane from Dairy Wastewater in mesophilic Phase”, revue Science et Technologie section B de l'université Mentouri de Constantine, N° 27, Juin (2008).
O. Saouli, M. Bencheikh-Lehocine and A.-H. Meniai « 1D reactive transport modelling in heterogeneous porous media », Chemical Engineering Transactions, 24, 415-420, 2011
O. Saouli and M. Bencheikh-Lehocine « Three-dimensional modelling of reactive solutes transport in porous media », Chemical Engineering Transactions, 41, 151-156, 2014
M. Benhamadaa, Dj. Bouzid, O. Saouli and O. Boyron « The Effects of Hydrothermal Aging Characterized by SEC on the Degradation Kinetic of Polycarbonate Calculated through
TGA », Chemical Engineering Transactions, 43, 1183-1188, 2015
N. Belkhiri, O. Saouli and Kh. Djérafi « Numerical simulation of CO2 transport through hollow fiber membrane: Effect of chemical solvent} », Journal of New Technology and Materials, 8, 2019
Y. Redjeb, Kh. Djérafi and O. Saouli « AspenPlus based simulation for direct waste recovery in cement industries », Journal of New Technology and Materials, 8, 2019
Kaabeche D. Khatima, M.Kara, S.Ghernoug, A. Belbaki. S.Bousba, 2014,I( n-IgI I-FRY-II in th- €DelQ. lin- Ri ih- c-P -nt elDce e MDwDI3 TDK-I Rf SO-IiDf, journal of CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS, VOL. 37, ISBN 978-88-95608-28-0; ISSN 2283-9216, DOI: 10.3303 /CET 1437124.
Kaabeche D. Khatima, Belbaki Abdelber, 2013, 1g Regel ( 11-Fl Rf CR:- Linearity and Chemical Heterogeneity on Reactive Solute Transport in a Fixed °/-I3’’, journal of CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS, VOL. 32, ISBN 978-88-95608-23-5; ISSN 1974-9791, DOI: 10.3303 /CET 1332259.
K. Kaabeche-Djerafi, S. Semra, N. Bendjaballah-Lalaoui, Mai 2012, ”Effect of Chemical Heterogeneity on Linear Adsorbed Solute Dispersion in fixed bed”, journal of Energy Procedia, ELSEVIER, Vol 18,pp 1199-1207.
K. Kaabeche-Djerafi, N. Bendjaballah-Lalaoui, and S. Semra, 2011, ”Effect of medium capacity on the relationship between chemical heterogeneity and linearly adsorbed solute dispersion into fixed beds”, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 76, ISSN 2010-376X.
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N. Kerabchi, S. Merouani, O. Hamdaoui, Depth effect on the inertial collapse of cavitation bubble under ultrasound: Special emphasis on the role of the wave attenuation, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 48 (2018).
N. Kerabchi, S. Merouani, O. Hamdaoui, Liquid depth effect on the acoustic generation of hydroxyl radical for large scale sonochemical reactors, Separation and Purification Technology. 206 (2018)
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S. Merouani, O. Hamdaoui, N. Kerabchi, Liquid compressibility effect on the acoustic generation of free radicals, Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research. (2020)
N. Kerabchi, S. Merouani, O. Hamdaoui, Numerical insight into the sonolytic ozonation applied for water treatment, Water Engineering Modeling and Mathematic Tools. (2021)
N. Kerabchi, S. Merouani, O. Hamdaoui, Numerical simulation of acoustic cavitation and its chemical effect in seawater: toward understanding the multiple role of salinity in the sonochemical degradation of organic pollutants Water Engineering Modeling and Mathematic Tools. (2021)
N. Kerabchi, S. Merouani, O. Hamdaoui, Computer simulation of N2O/argon gas mixture effect on the acoustic generation of hydroxyl radicals in water: toward understanding the mechanism of N2O inhibited/improved-sonochemical processes Water Engineering Modeling and Mathematic Tools. (2021)
S. Merouani, O. Hamdaoui, N. Kerabchi, on the sonochemical production of nitrite and nitrate in water: A computational study Water Engineering Modeling and Mathematic Tools. (2021)
S. Merouani, O. Hamdaoui, N. Kerabchi, Numerical insight into the liquid compressibility effect on the sonochemical activity of acoustic bubbles, Water Engineering Modeling and Mathematic Tools. (2021)
Souhir Boureghida, Nabila Slougui, Hamza Fadel, Hicham Hazmoune,Sabrina Bicha. Chemical Composition and Antibacterial Activity of the Essential Oil from Erinacea anthyllis Link (Fabaceae). Trop J Nat Prod Res, April 2023; 7(4):2696-2700, ISSN 2616-0684 (Print) ISSN 2616-0692 (Electronic).

Department of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Automation

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