The Ecole Nationale Polytechnique de Constantine (ENPC) is a higher education institution emerging from the program to support the quality of higher education in Algeria.

Located in the university city Ali Mendjeli in Constantine, the largest university city in Africa which is composed in addition to the ENPC of the University Constantine 3, the National School of Biotechnology and the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Constantine. The ENPC is accessible through a modern road network, including a penetration of the East-West highway, and is served by the tramway from the city center of Constantine, passing through the Emir Abdelakader and Constantine 1 University, going to the University Constantine 2. It offers a modern environment and is equipped with state of the art facilities allowing students to explore in depth the fields they have chosen.

The programs offered by this premier engineering school lead to degrees of Diplome d’Ingénieur and Master’s for those wishing to pursue an academic career in scientific research. The different programs are offered by a body of highly qualified faculty and designed to prepare graduating students for a career that best meets their expectations and personal aspirations.

The ENPC welcomes Algerian students wishing to pursue engineering studies in Process Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Materials Engineering, Electrical and Automation Engineering (E.E.A). These students come from preparatory schools and students from other academic institutions throughout the country who have passed the entrance exam to the Grandes Ecoles.