Decree of creation of the ENPC
Executive Decree No. 11-400 of 3 Moharram 1433 corresponding to November 28, 2011 establishing the Ecole Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique de Constantine (ENSPC).
The Prime Minister, On the report of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Having regard to the Constitution, in particular its articles 85-3° and 125 (paragraph 2); Having regard to the law n° 99-05 of 18 Dhou El Hidja 1419 corresponding to April 4, 1999, modified and completed, carrying orientation law on higher education Having regard to the presidential decree n° 10-149 of 14 Joumada Ethania 1431 corresponding to May 28th, 2010 relating to the appointment of the members of the Government; Having regard to the executive decree n° 05-500 of 27 Dhou El Kaada 1426 corresponding to December 29th, 2005 fixing the missions and the particular rules of organization and functioning of the Ecole as different from a university; After approval of the President of the Republic;
– In application of the provisions of article 3 of the executive decree n° 05-500 of 27 Dhou El Kaada 1426 corresponding to December 29, 2005, above mentioned, it is created an independent school, named
“Ecole nationale supérieure polytechnique”, hereinafter referred to as “the school”.
Art. 2.
– The school’s headquarters are located in Constantine. It may be transferred to any other place in the national territory by decree issued on the report of the minister in charge of higher education.
Art. 3.
– In addition to the general missions fixed by the articles 5, 6 and 7 of the executive decree n° 05-500 of 27 Dhou El Kaada 1426 corresponding to December 29, 2005, above mentioned, the school has for mission to ensure higher education, scientific research and technological development in the various specialities of sciences and engineering.
Art. 4.
– In addition to the members mentioned in article 10 of the executive decree n° 05-500 of 27 Dhou El Kaada 1426 corresponding to December 29, 2005, above mentioned, the board of directors includes with regard to the main user sectors: – a representative of the minister in charge of industry, the small and medium-sized enterprise and the promotion of the investment, – a representative of the minister in charge of housing and town planning, – a representative of the minister in charge of energy and mines, – a representative of the minister in charge of the water resources, – a representative of the minister in charge of the public works
Art. 5.
– This decree will be published in the Official Journal of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria. Done in Algiers, on 3 Moharram 1433 corresponding to November 28, 2011.
Executive Decree No. 11-400 of 3 Moharram 1433 corresponding to November 28, 2011 establishing the Ecole Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique de Constantine (ENSPC).
School infrastructure
7 Amphitheaters of 200 seats

Conference room with 300 seats

40 Laboratories of TP of 30 places

350-seat student library