Mechanical engineering is a broad discipline that spreads over many fields of industrial and domestic activities. In our department, this discipline is divided into three major options: Energetics, Construction and Manufacturing, Mechanical Engineering and the Automotive Industry.
Principal subjects taught
The mechanical engineering student receives a scientific and technical education and an opening to the industrial world.
- Energy option
Continuum theory, Thermodynamics, Fluid mechanics, Turbomachinery, Numerical methods, Computer-aided design, Internal combustion engines, Cryogenics and cold production, Heat transfer, Technical drawing, Strength of materials - Mechanical Construction and Manufacturing Option
Continuum theory, Thermodynamics, Technical drawing, Strength of materials, Analytical mechanics, Applied numerical calculations for engineers
Fluid mechanics, Mechanical manufacturing, Mechanical engineering, Control and servo control, Finite elements in solid mechanics, Drafting and, Computer aided design CAD/CAM, Internal combustion engine, Industrial maintenance and safety, Numerical control machines
Design and methods office, Structural design codes, Internal combustion engines. - Automotive Industry The program aims to provide the necessary skills to design parts and systems, manufacturing techniques and vehicle assembly. It also aims to provide students with the technical skills, knowledge and experience needed through practical work to prepare students to work in various aspects of design, engineering and manufacturing in the automotive industry. It also aims to provide students with the necessary technical skills, knowledge and experience through practical work to prepare students to work in various aspects of design, engineering and manufacturing in the automotive industry.
Laboratory Equipment
– Strength of Materials and Mechanical Vibration Laboratories
– Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer Laboratories
– Fluid Mechanics and Turbomachinery Laboratory
– Manufacturing and Numerically Controlled Machines Laboratories
– Measurements and Metrology Laboratory
– Welding laboratory.

Areas of application
Wherever there are machines or instruments, there are mechanical engineers to design, install and operate them. Energy is also a fundamental field of study and research for the mechanical engineer. He develops machines that are used either to produce energy or to convert it into heat or cold.
Graduates can work as:
The mechanical engineer is:
- research and development engineer.
- design engineer.
- methods and industrialization engineer.
- quality engineer.
- maintenance engineer.
Job Opportunities
There are several categories of organizations or companies where the mechanical engineer can work.
An example of this is.
1- National Companies
- SONATRACH : the oil and gas industry.
- SONELGAZ : company in charge of the production, transport and distribution of electricity and gas in Algeria.
- ADE : company that manages the water sector in Algeria.
- COSIDER : main actor of the building and public works in Algeria.
- ONAB : agri-food company.
- SNVI : Société nationale des véhicules industriels, is a vehicle manufacturer.
2- Businesses at the regional level
- The steel complex of El-Hadjar, ANNABA.
- ENPC : National plastics and rubber company, SETIF.
- Gas liquefaction unit of SKIKDA.
- Refinery of SKIKDA.

3- Businesses at the local level
- ENMTP : company of materials of public works Constantine.
- ALEMO : equipment and machine tools Constantine.
- PMAT : productions of agricultural machinery Constantine.
- NAFTAL GPL : distribution of petroleum products Constantine.
- Cement factory of Hama Bouziane: Constantine.
- Gas and combustion: Constantine.
- SEACO : Société de l’Eau et de l’Assainissement de Constantine
As well as opportunities in private companies and design offices, and in the body of technical and professional education.
A number of engineers can specialize and continue their training at the doctoral level. The opportunities for these candidates are becoming more and more numerous in research and development centers and laboratories, university teaching, etc.