Head of the Process Engineering Department
- CV of Dr BOUTAMINE Zineb
- Modules taught: Bioprocesses, Microbiology
- Research areas:Advanced oxidation processes: sonochemistry, photolysis, photocatalysis

Prof BOUZID Djallel
- CV of Dr BOUZID Djallel
- Modules taught ::Macromolecules; Pharmaceutical operations, Galenic pharmacy.
- Research areas:Polymerization of olefins, pharmacotech, composite materials.

Prof Derbal Kerroum
- CV of Dr. Derbal Kerroum
- Modules taught:Water chemistry, water treatment and distribution, wastewater treatment, sizing of water treatment plants, advanced water treatment processes, computer-aided process simulation.
- Axes de recherche :Anaerobic Environmental Biotechnology, Renewable Energy, Biomass Energy, Wastewater Engineering, Pollution Prevention and treatment, Natural Treatment Systems, waste treatment and Modeling.

Dr Saouli Ouacil
- CV of Dr Saouli Ouacil
- Modules taught : Programming, Heat transfer, Liquid extraction, Applied numerical methods.
- Research areas: Simulation of Chemical Processes, Simulation of Transport in Porous Media, Numerical Methods.

Dr Djabellah Mouhamed Larbi
- CV of Mr Djabellah Mouhamed Larbi
- Modules taught : Distillation, heat transfer and exchangers.
- Research areas:Thermodynamics of ternary L-V mixtures

Dr Touati Souheila
- CV of Dr Touati Souheila
- Modules taught : Kinetics, Model Planning and Validation, Material Transfer, Absorption.
- Research areas: Extraction.

Dr Ghanem-Lakhal Abdelghani
- CV of Dr Ghanem-Lakhal Abdelghani
- Modules taught : TQM, Instrumental Analysis, Electrochemistry
- Research areas : Bifurcation and System Dynamics.

- CV of Dr KAABECHE Khatima
- Modules taught :Process modeling and optimization, Numerical analysis methods, Macroscopic balances
- Research areas:

Mm Faghmous Naima
- CV of Mm Faghmous Naima
- Modules taught : Galenic pharmacy, Pharmaceutical operations, Chromatographic methods, Inorganic chemistry.
- Research areas :Nanotechnology, Development of new drug forms.

- CV of Dr KOUTCHOUKALI Mohamed Salah
- Modules taught :Thermodynamics, Homogeneous reactors, Heterogeneous reactors, Drying

- CV of Dr Meryem BOUNAAS
- Modules taught :Porous and dispersed media
- Research areas:Chemical Process Engineering