1. The Director is responsible for the overall operation of the school.

As such:

  • he represents the school in court and in all acts of civil life,
  • he exercises hierarchical authority over all staff,
  • he enters into all contracts, agreements and arrangements within the framework of the regulations in force,
  • he ensures the application of the by-laws and regulations in force concerning teaching and registration,
  • he prepares the school’s draft budget and submits it to the Board of Directors for deliberation,
  • he is the authorizing officer of the school’s budget,
  • he appoints the personnel of the school for which another mode of appointment is not provided,
  • he takes any measure likely to improve the pedagogical and scientific activities of the school,
  • he ensures that the school’s internal regulations are followed and prepares their draft for adoption by the Board of Directors,
  • he is responsible for maintaining order and discipline on the school premises,
  • he issues, by delegation of the minister in charge of higher education, the degrees,
  • he maintains the custody and preservation of the archives.


2. The director is appointed by decree, from faculty of professorial rank, or failing this, from among the faculty at the grade of Maitre de Conférences or Docents.


3. The Director shall be assisted by:


  • the Deputy Director of Under-Graduate Studies and Degrees,
  • the Deputy Director of Post-Graduate Studies and Research
  • the Deputy Director of Continuing Education and External Relations,
  • the Secretary General.
  • the Head of the library.


4. In the management of the school, the director is assisted by a board of directors including the deputy directors, the heads of departments and the Head of the library.

The Board of Directors meets at least once a month with the secretary general as its secretary.


5. Deputy directors are proposed by the director and appointed by order of the minister responsible for higher education, from among faculty holding the highest rank.

They are responsible for the management of the structures placed under their authority.


6. The secretary general is responsible for the administrative and financial management of the structures under his authority and of the technical services and, in this capacity, he receives a delegation of signature from the director.

The secretary general is proposed by the director and appointed by order of the minister responsible for higher education .


The head of the library is responsible for the management of the library organized into services and as such he reveives a delegation of signature from the director.

The head of the library is appointed by order of the minister responsible for higher education on the proposal of the director.
