Curriculum for Science and Technology Preparatory Class: Year 1

Semester S1
Teaching unit EUCoefficientsCredits
Fundamental Courses
UEF1.1.1 Mathematics 11212
Analysis 166
UEF1.1.2 Physical Sciences 11010
Physics 155
Chemistry 155
Methodology & Skills Courses
UEM1.1 Tools for the engineer 144
Computing 133
Technical drawing11
General Education Courses
UET1.1 Humanities and Languages 144
Humans & engineering 111
General economy11
English 111
French 111
Total Semester S13030


Semester S2
Teaching unit EUCoefficientsCredits
Fundamental Courses
UEF1.2.1 Mathematics 21212
Calculus 255
Algebra 244
UEF1.2.2 Physical Sciences 21010
Physics 255
Chemistry 255
Methodology & Skills Courses
UEM1.2 Engineering Tools 244
Computing 233
Computer Aided Design11
General Education Courses
UET1.2 Humanities and Languages 244
Humans & Engineering 211
Business economics and entrepreneurship11
English 211
French 211
Total Semester S23030

Semester S3
Teaching unit EUCoefficientsCredits
Fundamental Courses
UEF2.1.1 Mathematics 366
Calculus 344
Numerical Methods 122
UEF2.1.2 Physical Sciences 377
Physics 344
Chemistry 333
UEF2.1.3 Engineering Sciences 199
Mechanics 133
Electricity and Electric Circuits33
Fluid Mechanics33
Methodology & Skills Courses
UEM2.1 Engineering Tools 333
Computing 333
Discovery Courses
UED2.1 Engineering33
Engineering 133
General Education Courses
UET2.1 languages 322
Communication Techniques 111
English 311
Total Semester S33030
Semester S4
Teaching unit EUCoefficientsCredits
Fundamental Courses
UEF2.2.1 Mathematics 466
Calculus 433
Numerical Methods 233
UEF2.2.2 Physical Sciences 477
Physics 444
Chemistry 433
UEF2.2.3 Engineering Sciences 299
Mechanics 233
General Electronics33
Strength of Materials33
Methodology & Skills Courses
UEM2.2 Engineering Tools 433
Computing 433
Discovery Courses
UED2.2 Engineering33
Engineering 233
General Education Courses
Communications Techniques 211
English 411
Total Semester S43030