This internal regulation governs all the activities of the students within the preparatory class in sciences and techniques of the national polytechnic school of Constantine “Malek Bennabi”. It is in line with the regulatory texts of higher education, the charter of ethics and university deontology and includes some specific provisions for preparatory classes in science and technology.
1. conditions for access, re-registration and transfer
Articles1 : The conditions of entry to the preparatory class in science and technology of the National Polytechnic School of Constantine are set by the circular relating to the pre-registration and orientation of holders of the baccalaureate for the current academic year.
No registration that does not comply with the criteria or deadlines communicated to Baccalaureate students is possible.
Article 2 : A certificate of registration, a student card and a library card are issued to the student upon registration.
Article 3 : The certificate of attendance is issued only when the student has been regularly attending school for at least 01 month.
Article 4 : The student may claim an academic leave of absence for force majeure before the start of exams and the management of the academic leave is at the discretion of the school.
2. Attendance
Article 5 : Attendance at classes, tutorials and practical work is mandatory.
Article 6 : In case of absence, the justification must reach the structure in charge of pedagogy within 72 working hours following the absence, by hand or by the following means of communication (email:, Fax: 031 78 51 77). After this period, no justification will be accepted except for a reason deemed major by the structure in charge of pedagogy. The receipt can be approved or rejected depending on the case.
Article 6.1: Medical evidence includes: Medical certificates and reports, radiological check-ups, biological check-ups, certificates of medical stays,….. The school doctor reserves the right to request any documents deemed necessary.
Article 7 : Students concerned by medical check-ups, continuous therapeutic procedures, may benefit from an attendance regime in line with the requirements of their situation.
Article 8 : During the semester, a student who accumulates a number of three unjustified absences in the same course will be excluded from that course after the meeting of the pedagogical committee, if no valid justification is presented.
Article 9 : During the semester, a student who accumulates a number of justified absences greater than or equal to five (5), is excluded from this module after the meeting of the pedagogical committee, if no valid justification is presented.
Article 10 : If the faculty is late, students must wait for 15 minutes in the class room before leaving in an orderly and disciplined manner. The absence of the faculty must be immediately reported by the calss delegate to the educational structure or the Department concerned , his/her substitute or any other student if necessary.
Article 11 : As soon as the session begins, the teacher will refuse the student access to the teaching premises, and may also exclude any student whose dress and behavior appear unacceptable.
3. Control of knowledge and evaluation methods
Article 12 : During evaluation tests, the student is required to comply with any instructions given by the proctors.
Article 13 : A student who arrives 20 minutes after the beginning of a test is not allowed to compose.
Article 14: The student is not allowed to leave the examination room until at least thirty (30) minutes after the start of a test.
Article 15 : Before leaving the examination room, the student must hand in his copy on which his name and surname must be written, even if it is blank.
Article 16 : It is strictly forbidden for the student to leave the room temporarily during a test. However, in exceptional cases and with justification, the supervising teacher may authorize the student to accompany him/her.
Article 17 : The student is required to have all the personal effects necessary to compose in good conditions. No exchange of calculators, pens, pencils authorised.
Article 18 : During exams studets can only use papers handed to them by the invigilators.
Article 19 : The student is required to write the date, name, surname and group on all exam sheets and drafts used at the beginning of the exam.
Article 20 : Students are required to be present at the examination room at least 10 minutes before the start of the examination.
Article 21 : During supervised tests, the use of cell phones, as well as any form of programmable or listening equipment, is strictly prohibited.
Article 22 : During the examination the invigilators are required to verify the students identity and make a list of all present and fill in the examination paperwork.
Article 23 : A student without a student card cannot be admitted to compose without the approval of the structure in charge of pedagogy.
Article 24 : In the event of an incident, fraud or attempted fraud, the supervisor is required to record the incident in the examination record, to prepare a detailed report of the facts and to file it with the educational structure within 24 hours of the discovery of the infraction.
Article 25: At the end of the evaluation test, the invigilators must count the number of papers handed in and compare this number with the number on the attendance list. Any anomaly found must be recorded in the minutes of the examination and reported immediately to the Structure in charge of pedagogy.
Article 26 : In the event of a justified absence from an exam, the student will be called to a replacement written test. However, an unexcused absence from an examination will result in a grade of zero (0).
Cases of justified absences :
- Death of ascendants, descendants and collaterals justified by the presentation of a death certificate (03 days of absence allowed).
- Marriage of the interested party justified by a marriage certificate (03 days of absence allowed).
– Paternity or maternity of the person concerned, substantiated by a certificate of delivery (03 days absence allowed for the father).
– Hospitalization of the person concerned justified by a certificate of hospitalization (number of
days of absence allowed according to the length of hospitalization approved by the school doctor).
- Illness of the person concerned justified by a medical certificate of absence from work issued by a sworn doctor (number of days of absence allowed according to the duration of the absence from work, approved by the school doctor).
- Official requisitions or summonses justified by a requisition document issued by the competent authority (number of days of absence allowed according to the duration of the activity)
- Other cases of major impediment duly justified.
In all cases, cumulative absences in a single subject must not exceed five (05) absences.
Article 27 : In the event of justified absence from the ongoing tests, the final semester exam of the subject concerned will be considered as a replacement exam.
Article 28 : the standard answer key with detailed scale must be posted, whether for exams or for quizzes. The instructor will schedule an exam consultation for the students in coordination with the administration. Outside this session, no consultation of the copy can be granted.
Article 29 : A student who is not satisfied with his or her grade may request a re-grade. The application must be filed within 48 hours of the consultation. After this period, no appeal will be accepted.
Article 30 : At the end of the cross-check, the score obtained is compared with the initial score.
In this case :
- if the difference between the second mark and the initial mark is less than three points, the arithmetic average between the two marks will be used,
- if the second score is higher than the initial score and the difference is greater than or equal to three points, the higher score will be used,
- if the second mark is lower than the initial mark and the difference is greater than or equal to three points, the lower mark will be retained permanently.
Article 31 : The student is informed by the educational institution of the result of the grading within a period that does not exceed, in any case, two weeks after the submission of the request.
4. Progression
Article 32 : The progression system is annual with a semester evaluation, there is no catch-up or elimination grade in the preparatory class.
Article 33 : At the end of the year a deliberation meeting is organized by departments.
Article 34: The jury is composed of the faculty who have been involved during the academic year. The president of the jury of deliberation is designated from among the members of the jury of the highest grade.
Article 35: The jury is sovereign. No pedagogical decision concerning the transition from one year to the next can be made outside this body.
Article 36: At the end of each semester, the average of each module is calculated according to a formula decided by the teaching staff and made known to the students at the beginning of the academic year.
Article 37 : At the end of each semester, the student’s grade average is calculated from all the subjects weithed their respective coefficients, the general semester averages are mutually offsettable
Article 38 : To be admitted in the second (2e ) year, the student must have an annual grade point average of at least 10/20 to be admitted.
Article 39 : Students are allowed to repeat the year due to educational insufficiency only once during the entire preparatory class cycle (the two years of the preparatory class) if they wish; otherwise they will be reoriented to a university upon their request.
Article 40 : Students who repeat a semester are required to take all subjects in which they have obtained a semester average less than 10/20.
Article 41 : A student who has been deferred for a second time is automatically reoriented to a university in accordance with the provisions of the circular for the year in which the baccalaureate was obtained.
Article 42 : The results will be announced by posting in any medium.
Article 43: In the event of a duly established error in the entry of marks or calculation of the average, the student may submit a written appeal by any means of communication (fax, email, etc.) no later than three (3) working days following the posting of the minutes of the deliberation, to the structure in charge of pedagogy, which will refer the matter to the jury for a second deliberation. After this period, no appeal will be accepted.
Article 44 : At the end of each year, a transcript of grades including the decision of the jury is given to the student.
Article 45 : Registration for the national competitive entrance examination to the Ecoles supérieures is subject to obtaining, at the end of the second year, an annual grade point average of 10/20 or higher.
Article 46 : Students who are not admitted to the Ecoles supérieures after the competitive examination will be re-directed to a university with the benefit of retaking the competitive examination a second time the following year if they so wish.
5. Educational representation of students
Article 47 : Students are represented by their elected delegates and sit on the Pedagogical Committees, the Board of Directors and the Disciplinary Board.
Article 48: Students may form and be members of scientific, cultural, and sports clubs.
Article 49 : Any delegate who has been disciplined may no longer represent his/her fellow delegates.
6. Use of the MultiMedia Center and Library
Article 50 : The student agrees to abide by the internal rules governing the Multimedia Center and the library.
7. Usage of IT and laboratory means
Article 51 : The student agrees to respect the internal rules governing the use of computer facilities and/or practical work.
8. Use of the foyer, music room, sports hall and sports fields
Article 52 : The student agrees to abide by the rules and regulations governing the use of the foyer, the music room, the sports hall and the sports fields.
9. Discipline et sanctions
Article 53 : The student is expected to observe the universal rules of civic behaviour, respect, courtesy, tolerance and dress. Therefore and among other things it is forbidden to:
- temper with the air conditioners or the sound system, or any equipment in the school,
- Bring items that can cause injury,
- spit, insult, pull, push or shove fellow students,
- engage in violent games and throw projectiles,
- climb trees or tables or touch flowers,
- put feet against the walls,
- write on tables, chairs or walls,
- shout or speak very loudly
- bring alien persons to school
Article 54 : Any damage done inside the school will be subject to disciplinary action and reimbursement.
Article 55 : Students must refrain from eating, drinking or smoking in the entire school (classrooms, lecture halls, laboratories, library, corridors…). Any offender will be immediately expelled and will be subject to Disciplinary action.
Article 56 : Correct, respectable and modest dress is required in the school premises, the wearing of shorts, Bermuda shorts, kamiss, tank tops, flip-flops, nikab, tracksuits, mini-skirts, hats, caps is prohibited; any student who does not respect this requirement will not be allowed to enter the school.
Article 57 : Cell phone use is prohibited in classrooms, tutorials, practicals, exams, conferences and meetings.
Article 58 : All students are required to show their student card to any control of the institution’s services.
Article 59 : All political activity is strictly prohibited within the institution.
Article 60: Every student must respect health and safety regulations. Under no circumstances shall he :
- use fire fighting equipment unless absolutely necessary,
- access to premises where access is strictly forbidden due to the dangerous nature of the material and/or products found there (electrical cabinets, chemical products, etc.),
- bring in, without authorization, people from outside the Establishment,
- throw hard objects or other objects (e.g., wipes, sanitary napkins, garbage) into the toilet,
Article 61 : If necessary, any student may be subjected to a search of his or her luggage and/or vehicle, by security personal of the establishment.
Article 62: Any postings by students must be made in designated areas and with the permission of the administration.
Article 63: With the exception of minor offences which require a simple call to order by the structure in charge of pedagogy, other offences are liable to be referred to the Disciplinary Board
Article 64: The Disciplinary Board is convened by the structure in charge of pedagogy within a maximum of ten (10) days after the offence has been established. The latter must be the subject of a detailed report of the facts by both the complainant and the accused party.
Article 65: The structure in charge of education shall issue a summons, with acknowledgement of receipt, to the complainant and to the offender, specifying the date and time of the Disciplinary Board meeting.
Article 66: The offender is required to appear before the Discipline Council to present his or her side of the story and to answer any questions posed by the Discipline Council members.
Article 67: The student at fault may file an appeal with the Director of the institution. The latter may reconvene the Disciplinary Board to review the case.
Article 68: In the absence of the offending student, the Disciplinary Board will rule in his/her absence. No appeal is admissible.
Article 69: The decisions of the Disciplinary Council are taken by an absolute majority. In the event of a tie, the chairman shall have a double vote.
Article 70: Sanctions imposed by the Disciplinary Board do not preclude prosecution as provided for by the laws and regulations in force.
Article 71: The decisions taken by the Disciplinary Council are systematically placed in the offender’s file and posted on the premises.
Article 72: These regulations must be distributed to all faculty, students and academic and administrative staff.
Article 73: The student is required to sign an individual commitment form, which will be placed in his/her file, in which it is clearly stated that he/she has read these rules and that he/she agrees to respect them. The signature shall be preceded by the words “read and approved”.