On the occasion of Eid Al-Fitr, I am pleased to extend to the students, teachers and administrative staff of the school, my sincere best wishes and […]
The University of Constantine 3 Salah BOUBNIDER, through its Vice-Rectorate for Development, Orientation, and Foresight, in collaboration with Faculties, Institute, and Higher Schools, is launching its […]
“Blessed and generous Ramadan to the teachers, students, administrative and technical staff. May Allah make this month of Ramadan a month of goodness, blessings, happiness, health, […]
The Director of ENP Constantine presents his sincere congratulationsto the new PhD students for their success in the various PhDcompetitions organized by the school and wishes […]
We inform the candidates who have applied for the third-cycle doctoral training competitions for the 2024-2025 academic year at the National Polytechnic School of Constantine that […]