01 General statistics :

Number of members460 Members
Number of borrowers196 All categories combined
Duration of the circulation of the works103 Jours
Number of books borrowed686 Items
Average loan per day06 Items per day
Average daily occurrence of loan transactions16 Per day
Number of loan operations performed1648 Operations
Number of outgoing operations1028 Operations
Number of return operations620 Operations


Operations performed

Loan chart by department

02 Lending statistics by department :

User categoriesWorkspercentage
Faculty and researchers162.33 %
Preparatory class151074.34 %
Preparatory class2152.18 %
Electrical, electronic and automatic engineering324.66 %
Mechanical engineering598.60 %
Materials engineering131.89 %
Process Engineering415.97 %
Total686100 %


03 Lending statistics by user :

User categoriesUsersPercentage
Faculty and researchers (PhD students)63.06 %
Students in preparatory classes113468.36 %
Students in preparatory classes2105.10 %
Students in the department: Electrical, Electronic and automation Engineering105.10 %
Students in the department: Mechanical Engineering126.12 %
Students in the department: Materials Engineering84.08 %
Students in the department: Process Engineering178.67 %
Total users196100 %


Lending chart by users

04 Loan Statistics by Classification: (06/01/2020)

ClassificationThemesBorrowed items
515Mathematical analysis124
540Chemistry and related sciences109
511General principles of mathematics52
621Electrical engineering44
519Applied mathematics, probability29
541Physical chemistry29
532Fluid Mechanics19
570General biology19
620Engineering and related activities19
660Chemical engineering and related techniques15
537Electricity, electronics14
536Physics of heat11
628Environmental protection technology9
629Technology and Engineering7
534Physics of sound and related vibrations4
579Biology of algae, microorganisms3
004Computer Science2
005Data organization, programming2
518Numerical analysis2
604Analysis and history of technology2
333Energy saving1
539Modern physics1
543Analytical chemistry1
547Organic chemistry1
624Civil engineering1
625Railway and road technology1
665Wax, gas, grease and oil technology1
668Technology of other organic products1


05 Loan Statistics by Time Period (Monthly Rating) :


Output operations37322224100
Return operations48229221131


Diagram of the loan by time period

Some figures to illustrate the frequentation and the offer of documentation at the library:

  • 3726 Books purchased in the last four (04) years.
  • 203 end-of-study projects (PFE)
  • 199 Master’s theses.
  • 79 Scientific journals
  • Number of entries: October 2018 to February 2019
  • Number of documents loaned :
  • Monthly attendance in the group reading room:
  • Monthly attendance in the group reading room:
  • The number of users outside the individual reading room :