
In general, all construction, manufacturing and innovation is based on an appropriate choice of novel high-performance materials with new properties. Indeed, any material elaborated or designed owes its properties to its internal structure, its composition and its state. These materials can be metals, metal alloys, polymers, oxides, composites in single crystal, polycrystalline, amorphous state and essentially of nanometric structure.

Curriculum Program:

Curriculum program of the second cycle in order to obtain the diplôme d’ingénieur d’état in Materials Engineering. Option: Advanced Materials

SemestersTeaching units (U.E)Material (s)coefficient
Semester 1Fundamental Teaching UnitSolid state physics3
Phase transformation3
Crystallography, diffraction methods and microscopy3
Teaching Unit MethodologyRheology3
Diffusion phenomena2
Elaboration and characterization of ceramics2
Transversal Teaching UnitEnglish 11
Semester 2Fundamental Teaching UnitMaterials: from structure to physical properties2
Semiconductor physics3
Mechanical behaviour of materials3
Teaching Unit MethodologyCalculation programs for materials3
Techniques de caractérisation2
Composite materials2
Transversal Teaching UnitEnglish 21
Internship: Professional integration1
SemestersTeaching units (U.E)Material (s)coefficient
Semester 3Fundamental Teaching UnitFerrous and non-ferrous alloys2
Polymers I: technology and processing3
Dielectric and optical properties of materials3
Deformation and rupture of materials3
Teaching Unit MethodologyThin films, Surfaces and interfaces2
Assembly techniques2
Corrosion and protection of materials2
Semestre 4Fundamental Teaching UnitPolymers II: polymer life cycle and material recycling3
Micro and nanostructure technology3
Magnetic materials2
X-ray diffraction characterization techniques3
Teaching Unit MethodologyIndustrial processes2
Fast production methods2
Transversal Teaching UnitMini project1
Internship 21
SemestersTeaching units (U.E)Material (s)coefficient
Semestre 5Fundamental Teaching UnitBiomaterials3
Semiconductor materials and macro and nanostructured properties3
Powder metallurgy3
Teaching Unit MethodologyNano materials and advanced materials3
Materials and energy sources2
Transversal Teaching UnitTechnical and economic evaluation of projects1
Organization and management of companies1
Industrial safety1
Semestre 6End of study project30

Additional Curriculum program in order to obtain the Master degree in Advanced Materials

SemestreMaterialHourly volumecoefficient
S3Introduction to research22h302
S4Materials under extreme conditions22h302
S5Methods for solving crystal structures22h302
S6Master’s thesis132h304