Curriculum content:

Curriculum program to obtain the diplôme d’ingénieur d’Etat in Mechanical Engineering Option: Energetics

Semesters Teaching units (U.E) Material (s) coefficient
Semester 1 Fundamental Teaching Unit Resistance of materials 1 4
Fluid mechanics 1 4
General theory of continuous media 1 3
Teaching Unit Methodology Materials Science and Metallurgy 2
Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) 2
Transversal Teaching Unit English 1 2
Semester 2 Fundamental Teaching Unit Resistance of materials 2 3
Fluid Mechanics 2 3
Numerical calculations 3
General theory of continuous media 2 2
Teaching Units Methodologies Mechanical Manufacturing 2
Metrology 2
Discovery Teaching Unit Internship: Professional Immersion 1
Transversal Teaching Unit English 2 1
Semesters Teaching units (U.E) Material (s) coefficient
Semester 3 Fundamental Teaching Unit Turbo machine 1 3
Compressible flow 1 3
Thermodynamics 1 3
Heat transfer 1 3
Teaching Unit Methodology Finite elements and finite volumes 3
Computer aided design 2
Semestre 4 Fundamental Teaching Unit Turbo machine 2 3
Compressible flow 2 3
Thermodynamics 2 3
Heat transfer 2 3
Teaching Unit Methodology Heat exchanger 2
Reliability and industrial maintenance 1
Discovery Teaching Unit Mini-project 1
Internship 2 1
Semesters Teaching units (U.E) Material (s) coefficient
Semestre 5 Fundamental Teaching Unit Internal combustion engine 3
Heating and Air Conditioning 3
Propulsion mechanics 3
Cold and Cryogenics 3
Teaching Unit Methodology Renewable energy 2
Electrical machines 1
Transversal Teaching Unit organization and management of companies 1
Methodology for studying and conducting projects 1
Semestre 6 End of study project 17

Curriculum program of the complementary training in order to obtain the diploma of Master in Energetics

Semestre Subject Hourly volume coefficient
S1 Introduction to research 22h30 2
S2 Operational research 22h30 2
S3 Choice of materials and processes 22h30 2
S4 Master’s thesis 132h30 4