Les nouvelles publications parues en 2022-2023-2024

Fadel, H., Slougui, N., & Hazmoune, H. (2024). The first report of an Algerian Leopoldia comosa essential oil content and antioxidant assessment. Natural Product Research, 1–7. https://doi.org/10.1080/14786419.2024.2409986
L. Chetibi, D. Hamana, M. M. Silvan, S. Achour “Electrochemical synthesis of graphite nanorings under UV irradiation”, Materials Letters V. 372, 1, (2024).
Z. Belamri, N. Mermoul, D. Hamana " Role of Mn in improving the hydrophobic property of a metallic substrate coating”, Acta Physica Polonica A, N° 6, Vol 145 (2024). Doi: 10.12693/APhysPolA.145.301
Abdelmalik Zemieche, Loubna Chetibi, Djamel Hamana, Slimane Achoura, Gioele Pagot, Vito Di Noto, Jour. Cryst. Growth (accepted for publication 2024).
Meriem SLAMA, Nabila SLOUGUI*, Akila BENAISSA, Amine NEKKAA, Feriel SELLAM, Laetitia CANABADY-ROCHELLE, Chem. Biodiversity 2024, e202301822. First publication: March 1st, 2024
Loubna Chetibi, Djamel Hamana, Miguel Manso Silvan, Slimane Achour, Electrochemical synthesis and characterization of graphite nanoparticles, Applied Physics A Applied Physics A (2022) 128:578 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00339-022-05731-6
Loubna Chetibi, Mohamed Oussama Bounab, Aymen Benmkideche, Djamel Hamana, Slimane Achour, Realization and characterization of flexible supercapacitors based on doped graphene electrodes, Solid State of electrochemistry (accepted for publication 2022).
Loubna Chetibi, Mohamed Oussama Bounab, Aymen Benmkideche, Djamel Hamana, Slimane Achour, Realization and characterization of flexible supercapacitors based on doped graphene electrodes, Solid State of electrochemistry (accepted for publication 2022).
B. Laouar, D. Hamana, A. Hayoune, "Effect of thermomechanical treatment on the hardening of Al6060 Alloy", Materials Science and Technology (accepted for publication 2022).
Y. Hamiene, A. Hayoune, D. Hamana, L. Hennet, Effect of thermomechanical treatment on the hardening of Al6060 Alloy", Materials Science and Technology (accepted for publication 2022). Microstructural Evolution During Continuous Heating, of Multilayered Al/Fe Metallic Composite Elaborated by Accumulative Roll Bonding? Materials Science Engineering and Performance (accepted for publication)
A. Zine, D. Hamana, N. Kebaili, L. Chetibi, S. Achour, " Polymorphs Fe hydroxides nanostructures growth via green route: Effect of Olive Leaves Extract surfactant", Journal of Crystal Growth (accepted for publication 2022).
F. BADAOUI, D BOUZID,. Statistical design for formulation optimization of diclofenac sodium-loaded ethylcellulose microsponges.Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology.V15, I 6, 2022
F. BADAOUI, D BOUZID, Formulation and optimization of diclofenac sodium loaded ethylcellulose nanoparticles. Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences.V58.2022
ani Kheiredine, Kerroum Derbal, Karima Charbit, Maryem Amrani, “Biogas production by an anaerobic co-digestion process from olive mill waste: effect of ultrasonic pre-treatment”, desalination and water treatment journal, vol. 246, 139-145, (2022)
Bouaita Rokaya, Derbal Kerroum, Antonio Panico, Floriana Iasimone, Ludovico Pontoni, Massimiliano Fabbricino, Francesco Pirozzi, « Methane production from anaerobic co-digestion of orange peel waste and organic fraction of municipal solid waste in batch and semi-continuous reactors», Biomass and Bioenergy (Elsevier), 160, 106421, (2022).
Benalia Abderrezzaq1,2, Derbal Kerroum2,*,Amel Khalfaoui1, Antonio Pizzi3 and Ghouti ,Medjahdi4”The Use of Aloe vera as Natural Coagulant in Algerian Drinking Water Treatment Plant”, Journal of Renewable Materials, DOI: 1 0.32604/jrm.2022.0 17848, (2022).
Nabila Slougui, Meriem Slama, Yasser Boudaoud, Aymene Salah Bendrihem, "Optimization of GC-MS Method for Analysis of Basil Essential Oils from Algeria: Design of Experiments and Exploratory Pattern Recognition", Journal of Chemistry, vol. 2022, Article ID 5880539, 14 pages, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/5880539
Doudach, S., Slougui, N., Rebbas, K., Benmekhbi, L., Bensouici, C., Nuri Atalar, M., Akkal, S., & Bicha, S. (2022). FIRST REPORT ON PHYTOCONSTITUENTS, LC-ESI/MS PROFILE AND IN VITRO ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITIES OF LATHYRUS LATIFOLIUS GROWING IN ALGERIA. International Journal of Natural and Engineering Sciences, 16(3), 128–136. Retrieved from https://ijnes.org/index.php/ijnes/article/view/694
L. Chetibi, D. Hamana and S. Achour, " Metal assisted chemical etching of silicon and solution synthesis of Cu2O/Si radial nanowire array heterojunctions", Semiconductors (accepted for publication 2023).
Imad Messai , Djamel Hamana, Zehira Belamri, Volodymyr Chernenko, Effect of Cr addition and heat treatment on the properties of Fe-Al melt-spun ribbons, Metallurgical Research & Technology V 120, 1-9 (2023).
Boulechfar, H., Berrahil, F., Boulmerka, A., Filali, A., Djezzar, M., 2023, Double diffusive Buoyancy-driven flow in fluid-saturated elliptical annulus with neural network-based prediction of heat and mass transfer. Heat transfer. Page: 1-28, ISSN: 2688-4542.
Aberkane, S., Semmari, H., Filali, A., Rebai, N. and Belkadi, M. 2023, Thermo-economic assessment of upgrading a basic gas turbine power plant into CHP plant, Int. J. Exergy, Vol: 40, No. 4, Page:429–450, ISSN: 1742-8297.
Sadji, A., Boudchicha, MR., Ziouche, A., Filali, A., Achour, S., 2023, Glass–ceramic foams from waste glass and natural red soil. Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society Vol: 59, No. 2, Page: 425-436, ISSN: 1388-6150.
Korei, Z., Berrahil, F., Filali, A., Benissaad, S., Boulmerka, A., 2023, Thermo-magnetic convection analysis of magnetite ferrofluid in an arc-shaped lid-driven electronic chamber with partial heating. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, ISSN: 1388-6150.
Korei, Z., Benissaad, S., Filali, A., Berrahil, F., 2023, An Investigation of Entropy and Exergy of Nanofluid Flow in Microchannel Heat Sinks. Journal of Nanofluids. J. Nanofluids Vol: 12, Pages: 1160–1172, ISSN: 2169-432X.
Aberkane, S., Semmari, H., Filali, A., Rebai, N., Belkadi, 2022, Thermo-economic assessment of upgrading a basic gas turbine power plant into CHP plant. International Journal of Exergy. (In Press), ISSN: 1742-8297
Korei, Z., Benissaad, S., Chamkha, A. J., Berrahil, F., Filali, A., 2022, Thermohydraulic and second law analyses during the cooling of an electronic device mounted in an open cavity equipped with magnetic nanofluid, magnetic field inducer, and porous media: A two-phase numerical investigation. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. Vol: 139, 106497, ISSN: 0735-1933.
Belaid, A., Filali, A., Hassani, S., Arrif, T., Guermoui, M., Gama, A., Bouakba, M., 2022, Heliostat field optimization and comparisons between a biomimetic spiral and a radial-staggered layouts for different heliostat shapes. Solar energy, Vol: 238, Pages: 162-177, ISSN: 0038-092X.
Korei, Z., Benissaad, S., Berrahil, F., Filali, A., 2022, MHD mixed convection and irreversibility analysis of hybrid nanofluids in a partially heated lid-driven cavity chamfered from the bottom side. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol: 132, 105895, ISSN: 0735-1933
Salhi, J. E., Amghar, K., Filali, A., Salhi N., 2022, Effect of the spacing design of two alternated baffles on the performance of heat exchangers. Defect and Diffusion Forum. 1662-9507, Vol: 415, Pages: 53-72, ISSN: 1662-9507.
H Cherif, M Maamir, SE Chehaidia, 2023, Analysis for inter turn stator fault with load variation in Induction Motor, International Journal of Energetica (IJECA), Vol: 08(1), Pages: 12-18, ISSN: 2543-3717.
D Derbal, A Abderrezak, SE Chehaidia, MT Amin, MI Mosaad, TA Abdul-Fattah, 2023, Parametric Study and Optimization of No-Blocking Heliostat Field Layout, Energies, Vol: 16(13), Pages: 4943, ISSN: 1996-1073
Slougui N, Rabhi NL, Achouri R, Bensouici C. Evaluation of the Antioxidant, Antifungal and Anticholinesterase Activity of the Extracts of Ruta Montana L., Harvested from Souk-Ahras (North-East of Algeria) and Composition of its Extracts by GC-MS. Trop J Nat Prod Res. 2023; 7(7): 3452-3461 http://www.doi.org/10.26538/tjnpr/v7i7.25
- L. Chetibi, H. Rehamnia, D. Hamana, S. Achour, "Green synthesis of cobalt oxide (Co3O4) Nanoparticles for supercapacitor applications using olive leaves extract", (submitted for publication 2023)
Z. Belamri, N. Mermoul, D. Hamana " Role of Mn in improving the hydrophobic property of a metallic substrate coating”, Acta Polonica A (submitted for publication 2023).
Abdelmalik Zemieche, Loubna Chetibi, Djamel Hamana, Slimane Achour, Vito Di Noto " Doctor Blade Symmetric and Asymmetric Supercapacitor Fabrication Based on Biologically Synthesized NiO Nanoparticles and Graphene", Physica E (submitted for publication 2023).
Abdelmalik Zemieche, Loubna Chetibi, Djamel Hamana, Slimane Achour, Vito Di Noto " Doctor Blade Symmetric and Asymmetric Supercapacitor Fabrication Based on Biologically Synthesized NiO Nanoparticles and Graphene", Journal of Colloid (accepted for publication 2023).
Samir Teniou , Khaled Belarbi,2023,Infinite horizon fuzzy optimal control: optimality does not imply asymptotic stability, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) Vol .13, Issue 4, pp.3913-3923, ISNN . 2088-8708.

Liste des brevets déposés par l’ENPConstantine sur la base des projets innovants de l’année universitaire 2022-2023

L. Chetibi, D. Hamana, M. M. Silvan, S. Achour “Electrochemical synthesis of graphite nanorings under UV irradiation”, Materials Letters V. 372, 1, (2024).
Préparation de l’acetylacétonate des métaux à partir de l’acétate métalllique à l’aide d’extrait de feuilles d’olives”; Numéro de dépôt 1485 du 25/02/2024.
“Fabrication d’un système de décharge à l’arc électrique pour l’élaborationdu graphène”. Numéro de dépôt 231092 du 04/07/2023.