تأكيد التسجيلات الأولية
24 juillet 2023
إعلان نتائج توظيف و/أو مسابقة على أساس الشهادة للإلتحاق برتبة أستاذ مساعد قسم « ب » للمدرسة الوطنية المتعددة التقنيات بقسنطينة
13 août 2023The Nationale Polytechnic Institut of Constantine informs the students who participated in the contest organized by ENPC on June 22, 2023 for access the second cycle for higher instituts, following the ministery’s instructions, it has been decided to cancel the first list published by mistake on 25/07/2023 and to take only into consideration the new waiting list of the ones who have participated in the writing test to fill the vacant pedagogical seats.
Students on this list must confirm their places by contacting their home institutions, deadline Sunday July 30 at 10am.