Automatique 1
Le but principal de ce cours est de définir l’automatique et d’introduire ses objectifs qui sont la modélisation, l’analyse et la commande des systèmes dynamiques. Il inclut l’étude des systèmes linéaires, continus, invariants dans le temps (SLCI), ainsi que leurs méthodes de représentation et d’analyse. Il permet aussi de commander un système en respectant un cahier de charges (rapidité, précision, etc.).

English for Specific Purposes
Nowadays, learning a foreign language, namely English, is not only important as a process of communication but also as a source of technological progress and global exchange of information and scientific or academic achievements. ESP, which stands for English for specific purposes, aims to develop learners’ communicative skills and proficiency in English within their field of interest and their specific professional areas. In order to achieve this, numerous and variant tasks can be adopted by the lecturer (instructor) to develop the linguistic and professional abilities, knowledge and competences of students. Hence, the lectures and the tasks selected, to meet those objectives, must be designed in the light of
both linguistics (syntax, semantics, phonetics…) and learners’ area of specialty (Engineering, Medicine, Finance, Architecture…).